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Reinventing Creative & Innovative Technical Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Reinventing Creative & Innovative Technical Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reinventing Creative & Innovative Technical Coordinator
Leadership Skills Technical Coordinator Brad Fregger

2 Today’s Agenda Learning Process Introductions
Journaling, Guidelines, & Discussion Groups Effective Critiqueing Changing Attitudes, Perceptions, and Beliefs Leadership vs. Management Servant Leadership

3 Tomorrow’s Agenda Building And Leading Effective Teams
Effective Recruitment And Retention Building Exceptional Teams Motivating/Managing High-Potential Employees Communicate3 Learning The Skill Of Cue Sensitivity

4 Next Day’s Agenda The Importance Of Curiosity
Resolving Conflicts And Solving Problems Nature Of Creativity Achieving Creative Environments First Three-Day’s Summary

5 Individual’s Learn Differently Different Learning Modes
Learning Process Individual’s Learn Differently Different Learning Modes Lecture Stories Sharing Discussion Readings Videos

6 Different Learning Experiences
New Knowledge/Skills Affirmed Knowledge Aha Experience

7 Attaining Mastery Unconsciously Incompetent Consciously Incompetent
(Paper 01) Unconsciously Incompetent Consciously Incompetent Consciously Competent Subconsciously Competent

8 Attaining Mastery MASTERY Unconsciously Incompetent
(Paper 01) Unconsciously Incompetent Consciously Incompetent Consciously Competent Subconsciously Competent MASTERY

9 Introductions Who are you? Why are you here? What do you hope to gain?

10 Joan Vanderveldt’s Initial Response
Who am I? Bio Joan Vanderveldt’s Initial Response Accomplishments Currently CEO - 1st World Library Practitioner Scholar

11 Why am I here? To meet your needs by:
Providing new knowledge you can take home and use Immediately. Discussing effective leadership as I have experienced it. Stimulating new ideas, new relationships.

12 Journaling/Note Taking
Track Learnings Record Affirmations (Aha!) Note Moments of Inspiration Relevant to Program Relevant to Work Relevant to Personal Life

13 Guidelines Confidentiality (Small & Large Groups)
Respect & Trust (Individuals & Ideas) Patience With Different Cultural Norms Honest, Open Communications Unbounded Curiosity Others? (Dress, Language, etc.)

14 Discussion Groups Purpose Process Creating Groups
To provide maximum learning opportunities for individuals and the group as a whole. Process Creating Groups

15 Discussion Group Process
Form into groups Strict confidentiality within the group (Nothing can be shared without permission from the individual involved.) Reporting and facilitating responsibilities shared

16 An Effective Critiquing Process What I Would Do Differently
(Paper 02) What Worked for Me What I Would Do Differently

17 Effective Critiquing Group Discussion
How Does This Relate to This Training Event? How Does This Relate to My Job Responsibilities Does This Relate to My Personal Life?

18 Section End Questions or comments? How about stories?

19 Will Changing Behavior Change Attitude?
Ken Blanchard – Leadership Styles Frank Bettger – How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling

20 Will Changing Behavior Change Attitude?
Are there times when we must first change attitude? The role of the subconscious mind.

21 Attitudes, Perceptions, and Beliefs
Changing Attitudes, Perceptions, and Beliefs How the Mind Works The Power of Stories

22 Do we only use 10% of our mind? Our 5 senses do not filter.
How the Mind Works Do we only use 10% of our mind? Our 5 senses do not filter. The subconscious mind receives all the data supplied by our senses, analyzes it to determine how critical it is, filters out that which is not critical, and brings the critical data to the attention of our conscious mind.

23 The subconscious controls what we perceive.
How the Mind Works The subconscious controls what we perceive. Hypnosis Where did she come from? The subconscious has a strong tendency to not let us perceive that which would threaten our current belief system.

24 How the Mind Works The subconscious receives and
analyzes all of the data. “It works like human intuition.” The subconscious mines the data it receives for unknown relationships and then delivers that information, at the appropriate time, to the conscious mind as realization, insight, or inspiration.

25 How the Mind Works The subconscious gets its cues from the conscious mind. They have a codependent relationship The problem: How do we get critical information to the subconscious without the knowledge and interference of the conscious mind.

26 Changing Attitudes, Perceptions, and Beliefs
To change attitudes we must communicate directly with the subconscious. What resources are available to accomplish this goal?

27 The Power of Stories Use "real stories" whenever possible; but remember, metaphor can also do the job Treat "change effecting" stories as silver bullets; don't overdo them. To achieve storytelling that has impact: Don’t explain why you’re telling the story and don’t ask what was learned from it. Tell your story and then move on.

28 Section End Questions or comments? How about stories?

29 Leadership Vs. Management
“Find the right people, show them how good they are, and get out of their way.” Joe Kipper’s Story

30 “Characteristics of the Effective Leader” Silently Read the Paper
Reading/Discussion “Characteristics of the Effective Leader” (Paper 03) Silently Read the Paper Discuss in Group Report Back

31 The Effective Leader A leader who gets the job done in ways that increase the competence, confidence, and potential of the individual members of the team being led, while building a team that can accomplish the seemingly impossible (at the very least the extremely difficult); all to the long-term benefit of the organization.

32 Characteristics Committed to the goals of the organization
Highly principled, ethical, can be trusted Able to find, recruit, and motivate the best people Able to build and maintain critical business and personal relationships Able to create an environment where people can excel Genuinely curious about how others think and the ideas/opinions they have

33 Characteristics Sensitive to cues concerning potential problems
and opportunities A lack of ego around problem-solving and decision-making Not afraid to make the tough decisions, but only after deep consideration Highly intuitive and not afraid to trust those feelings Extremely creative, not afraid to consider impossible ideas

34 Characteristics Willing to take risks, especially when the situation
warrants it Willing to embrace the unexpected and the resulting possibilities Willing to accept responsibility for one’s actions (or inactions) and the results Compelled to effective mentoring, to pass on skills and philosophies Uses centering techniques for relaxation and heightened awareness

35 The Peter Principle “In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.” Or “In an organization, individuals tend to reach a level of responsibility at least one level above that at which they can function competently.” Effective leaders never reach their level of incompetence.

36 Answer the Questions Individually
Case Study Jim & Bob Read the Case Study (Case Study 01) Answer the Questions Individually Discuss in Group Report Back

37 Section End Questions or comments? How about stories?

38 Servant Leadership The leader serves the team.
The team serves its objectives as they relate to the goals of the organization. The servant leader makes sure the team has everything it needs to move forward. Secret 7

39 Servant Leadership Robert Greenleaf’s Story
Greenleaf’s attitude leads to dependency on the part of others; and dependency is counter-productive. It is independent, committed people with high initiative, who make up exceptional teams Joe Kipper’s Story (Painting the Store) Ken Coleman’s Realization Cecil’s Story

40 Roles of the Servant Leader
A servant leader makes sure all team members have everything they need to get the job done. A servant leader makes sure nothing gets in the way of this happening-not even the boss; in fact, one of the most important tasks of the servant leader is to be a buffer between the team and senior management. A servant leader is not opposed to doing menial tasks if it becomes necessary in so that others may continue to be focused on those things they do best.

41 Roles of the Servant Leader (con.)
Essentially, the servant leader serves the team; the team does not serve the leader. The servant leader serves the team so the job will get done, not because of any altruistic need, not for any moral obligation, not to feel good … only to get the job done.

42 Section End Questions or comments? How about stories?

43 Day’s - End Questions? Comments? Learnings? Affirmations? Stories?

44 Tomorrow Building And Leading Effective Teams
Effective Recruitment And Retention Building Exceptional Teams Motivating/Managing High-Potential Employees Communicate3 Learning The Skill Of Cue Sensitivity

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