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OPTN/UNOS Living Donor Committee

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1 OPTN/UNOS Living Donor Committee
Spring 2015

2 Policy Implementation Dates
Proposals approved by Board in Nov Effective Feb. 1, 2015: New or Modified Requirements for the Informed Consent of Living Donors New or Modified Requirements for the Psychosocial and Medical Evaluation of Living Donors Clarify Requirements for Aborted Living Donor Organs Recovery Procedures Hello, My name is X and I am the Region X representative on the Living Donor Committee. The living donor policies that were approved by the board in November and were implemented Feb. 1 are listed on this slide. Under the new Aborted Procedures policy, living donor recovery hospitals will be required to report aborted procedures (after the donor has received anesthesia) through the UNetSM Improving Patient Safety Portal within 72 hours of the event

3 Ongoing Committee Initiatives
Future Proposal: Clarify the Status of Domino Donors Living liver donor informed consent, medical evaluation and follow-up policies created questions regarding the evaluation of domino liver and other domino donors Proposed requirements should be limited to testing necessary to prevent disease transmission Planned for August 2015 public comment Under this proposal, hospitals performing domino donation would be required to develop and follow protocols for the informed consent and psychosocial and medical evaluation of domino donors. The elements of the required protocols would be based exclusively on existing OPTN policies for the informed consent and medical evaluation of living donors. The required protocols should standardize and improve the care of the domino donor and the recipient of the domino donor organ. The MPSC and the Liver, Thoracic, Operations and Safety Committees have reviewed and provided feedback on the proposed policy requirements.

4 Ongoing Committee Initiatives
Potential New Requirements for the Transport of Living Donor Organs The Committee is leading a work group considering potential new requirements for the transport of living donor organs HFMEA will be conducted The LD Committee is leading a work group considering potential new requirements for the transport of the living donor organs. The Operations and Safety and OPO Committees are also participating. The work group is utilizing the Healthcare Failure Modes Effects Analysis (HFMEA) methodology to analyze how living donor organs are transported and to determine if we need new safeguards.

5 Questions? Mary Amanda Dew, PhD Committee Chair
Regional Rep name (RA will complete) Region X Representative address Lee Bolton, MSN, ACNP Committee Liaison

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