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The Media and Politics.

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Presentation on theme: "The Media and Politics."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Media and Politics

2 Pros Quick ,easy way to get lots of info to lots of voters
A free open media allows citizens a look into the candidates past, voting record etc. More informed voters

3 Cons/Issues Bias- many accuse the media of only presenting one side of the issue $$$-Ultimately, the news is a business. They’ll report on whatever get the most viewers. Polling-News often reports who is in “the lead”. How might this affect voters?

4 Recent Issues 2008- One-time presidential hopeful John Edwards political career over after media finds out he fathered an illegitimate child during an affair while his wife was going through breast cancer treatment 2008- Sarah Palin, one-time VP nominee, says media did not want her in office, reports were skewed

5 Persuasive techniques
Testimonial: endorsements from admired individuals Name calling: linking the opposition to a bad idea or concept; inspiring fear by appealing to feelings or prejudices of the people Card stacking: presenting only evidence in support of one point of view; distorting or omitting facts

6 How the candidates use the media
Plain folks: trying to convince people that candidate is an ordinary citizen who understands them Bandwagon: convincing voters that this candidate is the most popular so voters should follow the crowd Glittering generalities: using broad or vague language with a deep emotional appeal (peace, democracy, America, family)

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