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After School Snack Program Training

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1 After School Snack Program Training
After School Snack Program Training Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division

2 Overview This training will provide attendees with the knowledge to understand the National School Lunch Program program processes and requirements for afterschool snack service. What are After School Snacks How do programs receive snacks What records must be maintained What is the role of the Food Services Manager What is the role of the After School Program Staff After School Snack Program Reminders Hello, my name is __________________. Today, I will be training you on the NSLP snack program processes and requirements. This training will address the following areas _____ (read slides).

3 What Are After School Snacks?
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides reimbursements for snacks served to children after school, which is sponsored by the Food Services Division (FS Division) at LAUSD An After School Snack is comprised of at least two components Only one component can be a beverage Programs must include educational/ enrichment activities FS Division enters into an agreement with the California Department of Education (CDE) and assumes full responsibility for meeting all requirements for reimbursements Read the slide…

4 How do programs receive snacks?
In order to receive snacks, the Snack Program Coordinators must submit a “Request to Begin or Change Meal Service” to the FS Division Allow 6-8 weeks for new program Only one program per request Snack service cannot begin unless program is approved and staff has been properly trained The first day of snack service for this school year will be August 18th. Managers need the opportunity to order the snack products. BTB is ordering snacks for the sites to serve in the meantime…. BTB and LA’s Best approved programs are listed on the Food Services website under the Afterschool Program page Please refer to latest approved sites list for your school information

5 What Records Are Needed?
In order for Food Services to ensure compliance and for auditing purposes, certain records must be kept each year by the Cafeteria Manager: Snack Service Agreement – signed yearly by all snack program staff training participants Snack Training Verification – signed yearly by the Food Services staff Attendance Records – provided to the FS Manager weekly by the snack program staff Snack Count Form – verified daily and filed in the current year filing Production Worksheets and Records – completed daily in CMS for the snack program Read slide.

6 Snack Service Agreement Snack Training Verification
Examples of Records Snack Service Agreement Snack Training Verification Here are examples of the required forms (click on each photo as you name them off).

7 Examples of Records, cont’d
Attendance Records Snack Count Form

8 Examples of Records, cont’d
Production Worksheets and Records The managers will complete a production worksheet by hand, and enter this information into the Production Record in the CMS system. Once completed in CMS, the form is virtually identical.

9 What is the Role of the Food Services Manager?
The Food Services Manager’s role is to ensure that the After School Snack Programs are set up for success Provide Menus to the After School Snack Program Staff Post the And Justice for All poster in the designated eating area Order snacks according to menus Make adjustments to snacks as appropriate Conduct additional staff training as necessary The FS Manager is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the snack program for Food Services. Communication between the FS Manager and the onsite snack program staff is vital for the success of the program. In addition to providing the menu, the Civil Rights poster, and the actual snacks, the FS manager will also provide additional training if necessary.

10 FS Manager Role cont’d Prepare Snacks
Snacks must be provided in Styrofoam containers, BIC bags, or left in the beverage cooler designated for the after school program If not in a refrigeration unit, milk and juice will be provided on ice and must be kept cold until service to children Food Services Managers are required to place a thermometer inside the approved container Snack program staff must use this thermometer to record the temperature of the cold snack items on the Snack Count Form The FS manager will place snacks in an appropriate container or refrigeration unit, along with a thermometer, which the snack program coordinator will have to use when recording the temperature on the snack count form.

11 FS Manager Role cont’d Collect, review, and verify required records from the Snack Program Staff Daily Basis: Snack Count Form Weekly Basis: Attendance Roster Annual Basis: Training Complete production worksheets, production records, and daily entry in CMS File all paperwork for 3 years plus current school year Discard all leftovers returned, unless stored appropriately Snack count forms must be returned to the food services manager on a daily basis. The a copy of the attendance roster must be submitted at the end of each week. The cafeteria manager will use these forms to claim reimbursement and complete his/her necessary paperwork. These documents are then filed and kept for three years plus the current year.

12 FS Manager Role cont’d Conduct 2 Site Monitoring Reports to ensure program is following proper policies & procedures Communicate any concerns or issues discovered during the monitoring Facilitate communication between Program Coordinator and cafeteria Adjustment of orders and accuracy of paperwork Follow up to ensure they understand all point of service and Snack Count form procedures Site monitoring reports are required by the CDE and help FS ensure the snack program is following guidelines. Any issues or concerns should be communicated to the program staff. The FS Manager will follow-up as necessary.

13 FS Manager Role cont’d If the program is approved, but is a Non Area Eligible site (less than 50% of students qualify for the NSLP) Train on-site Afterschool Snack Program Staff on proper Point of Service procedures as necessary Snack program staff must use a check off list with student names and eligibility Daily Entry for meal counts at a Non Area Eligible site claim meals according to eligibility If program staff has not already gone to an annual training, it is the responsibility of the cafeteria manager to do it.

14 Daily Entry For Snacks In order to enter meals into CMS, the Food Services Manager must access Daily Entry form found in Front of the House When accessing Daily Entry, you want to make sure that you select the correct date (a), the correct site (b), the snack tab (c). If you did not serve snacks, you may check off the box under “not serve” (d) If you are an area eligible site, you will record meals under the “free” column; however, if you are a non-eligible site, snacks must be put in my eligibility (f), and the amounts of participating students that fall within the eligible categories must be recorded (h) Remember to always save your information (5).

15 Snack Program Staff Role
The Snack Program is not just about providing students with something to eat. There are rules and regulations that we must follow in order to get reimbursement Attend training, sign training roster and certificate Ensure that the “And Justice For All” poster in a visible to participants during snack service Serve complete meals to students during the requested meal service time Follow Point of Service procedures Return all completed forms in a timely manner Daily: Snack count form Weekly: Attendance roster Order snacks from Food Services Manager Make adjustments two weeks in advance Read the slide… Please remember that a complete meal is a minimum of two different components, and that meal service cannot occur between the first half-hour of school ending, and last half-hour of your program ending. For example, if school ends at 3pm, and your program ends at 5pm, the snack period should occur between 3:30 and 4:30pm. This time will be determined by your program coordinator, and the exact time must be followed. -- Please make sure you sign in today, this is our proof to the State that everyone serving our program has been trained -- Paperwork not returned will jeopardize the program Read Snack Service Agreement – note: please ask them read the agreement and sign Tell them: You must provide a copy of this signed agreement to your manager. If the manager does not have this copy, she will have to train you again in the processes we go through today. Read rest of the slide… Just as the manager has a role in the success of our program, you are an intregal part of that success. We receive all our meal count reimbursements through the paperwork you provide. We’ll go into more detail regarding your role through the next slides.

16 Snack Program Staff Role cont’d Snack Count Form Completion
This is an example of the Snack Count form.

17 Snack Program Staff Role cont’d Snack Count Form Completion
The Cafeteria Manager will provide the Afterschool Snack Program Staff a snack count form daily with the following information already completed: Program name, Loc Code, Date Prep School Site Name, Loc Code Column 1: Snack Components Column 2: Portion Size Column 3: Amount Prepared Read the slide while pointing to the appropriate sections. Click on the picture to enlarge.

18 Snack Count Form Completion, cont’d
The Snack Program Staff is to complete: Total Enrollment of program, Number in Attendance today Comment 4: Amount received from café Column 5: Initial, time, refrig. Temp Column 6: Time Beginning of Service Read the slide while pointing to the appropriate sections. Click on the picture to enlarge.

19 Snack Count Form Completion, cont’d
The Snack Program Staff is to complete: Column 7: Adult meals Column 8: Children Served Column 9: Amount left Afterschool snack program count total number snacks served Program Coordinator/Designee Signature Read the slide while pointing to the appropriate sections. Click on the picture to enlarge.

20 Snack Program Reminders
Return all un-served snacks to the cafeteria Ensure snacks are consumed only by students enrolled in the program and onsite during program hours. Any snacks served to students must be eaten or thrown away before leaving the snack area Number of students served snacks CANNOT exceed number of students in attendance Children must receive all snack menu items in order to be reimburseable Read slide…

21 Completing the Snack Training Process
The FS Manager and staff can view the Snack Training on the FS Division website: The Snack Training Verification form can be scanned and ed to Lisa Hess: Deadline: September 4, 2015 File a copy with current paperwork Read slide.

22 Questions? Thank you! LAUSD Food Services Division
Nourishing Children to Achieve Excellence

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