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Cuyamaca College Library

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1 Cuyamaca College Library
Jeri Resto Librarian Program Level SLOs

2 SLO for breakout session
You will learn about: SLOs at Cuyamaca Assessment tools and results Assessment statistics Results

3 Cuyamaca College Library
SLOs Students who use library instruction will be assessed to determine their level of information competency skills

4 Accreditation Standard II
“The institution offers high-quality instructional program, student support services, and library and learning support services that facilitate and demonstrate the achievement of stated student learning outcomes.” ***From WASC and Accrediting Committee for the community and junior colleges (ACCJC)

5 American Library Association
“Information competency  (IC) is a set of skills that require the  student to recognize when information is needed and to be able to locate, evaluate, and use the needed information.” ***

6 ACRL Standards ACRL Standard One:
Define the Information Need and Research Topic ACRL Standard Two: Develop a Search Strategy; Locate and Retrieve Information ACRL Standard Three: Evaluate Information ACRL Standard Four: Use Information to Accomplish a Purpose .  ACRL Standard Five: Use Information Legal and Social ***

7 SLOs for Library instruction
SLO #1: The student will acquire the information competency skill of constructing a successful search statement and identifying keywords/subject words in order to construct an effective search strategy (ACRL Standard 1). SLO #2: The student will demonstrate the information competency skill of selecting sources from either the library catalog and the online databases (ACRL Standard 1). SLO #3: The student will demonstrate the information competency skill of being able to evaluate a source and determine its reliability, validity, authority and point of view (ACRL Standard 3).

8 Library Instruction Challenges
How can students demonstrate information competency skills @ the Reference Desk interview? How do you assess a 5-15 minute reference interview? @ the Library Orientation? How do you assess a 50-minute library orientation?

9 SLO 1,2,3 Library Instruction @ Reference Desk

10 Assessment Tool for Library Instruction @ Reference Desk
Likert scale Coded rematching

11 Assessment measures for Library Instruction @ Reference Desk
Inter-rater reliability is the percentage of agreement between raters. Raters are independent evaluators. Raters agree, we will see a high percentage of agreement Raters disagree, we will see a low percentage of agreement; either the scale is defective or the raters need to be re-trained. Cohen's Kappa the supplementary statistical calculation that is used by researchers b/c it is thought to be a more robust measure than percent agreement calculation.

12 Data Collection for Library Instruction @ Reference Desk
SLOs Percentage agreement Kappa N Keyword/subject search 100% .459 80 Difference between library resources .572 Evaluating Information sources 95% .750 Value of Kappa Strength of agreement < 0 poor slight fair moderate .61 – .80 substantial

13 Recommendations for Library Instruction @ Reference Desk
Changes to Ref Card Omit “mark all the apply” Librarians need to give clearer instructions on how to fill it out. SLO 3 had the least # of responses – is this due to Ref Card design, students did not need help, or Librarian did not cover? Changes in Instruction Librarians need to be more proactive in checking in with student’s progress. Librarians need to avoid “observer bias”. Aim for a higher Kappa score

14 @ Library Orientations
SLO 1,2,3 Library Instruction @ Library Orientations

15 Post-test and results Post-test contained six (6) questions.
285 students took the post-test. Courses selected were: Freshman English Pre-collegiate English Philosophy Business Students given five - ten minutes.

16 POST-TEST RESULTS Post-test SLO 1: Question 1 SLO 1: Question 2
% of correct answers Changes to Post-test SLO 1: Question 1 88.7% Change question. Omit Mark all that apply SLO 1: Question 2 SLO 2: Question 3 65% Limit to four choices. Omit Mark all that apply SLO 2: Question 4 70% Limit to four choices. SLO 3: Question 5 50% Good question , good distractors SLO 3: Question 6 Good question, good distractors *

17 Post-test Recommendations
Changes to Post-test Revise! SLO 2 and 3 had the lowest % of correct answers. Why? Poor post-test design, students did not know, or Librarian did not cover? Changes in Instruction Librarians need to give better instructions on post-test forms. Librarians need to investigate teaching techniques.

18 SLO 4, 5, 6 will be tied to Basic Skills Initiatives

19 Cuyamaca College Library
Jeri Resto Cuyamaca College Library

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