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Adverse Childhood Experiences Awareness Training

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1 Adverse Childhood Experiences Awareness Training
ACES Adverse Childhood Experiences Awareness Training

2 Please use the Chrome browser to search for: NPR Take the ACE Quiz

3 Interesting findings regarding educators
Research shows that generally speaking educators tend to fall into one of two categories regarding their feelings towards students who have a high number of ACES: I had ZERO ACES growing up so I sympathize with these students but find it very hard to empathize with them. I had a tough childhood but I made it out just fine so what’s the big deal.




7 At your table discuss what ACES are and summarize what this means for the brain development of children who experience severe emotional and or physical trauma.


9 At your table discuss how you may look at some of these students differently and how you may attempt to build trust and establish positive relationships with these kiddos.

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