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Welcome! & Sign in Please sign in!

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1 Welcome! & Sign in Please sign in!
Feel free to grab my business card as well. It has all of my contact information. Welcome! & Sign in

2 My contact information Please feel free to take a business card. can call my office phone at It’s a google voice number and will ring all of my phones. (Please don’t call after 9PM if you can help it.) The easiest way to reach me is through . I promise I will answer quickly. The next best way is my google voice. My conference period is 2nd on A Days and 5th on B Days

3 Best place to get information…
My website!

4 A little about me! I started my teaching career at Del Valle High School 11 years ago. This is my 4th year at Bowie. Before becoming a teacher, I was a freelance journalist and worked in marketing for ten years in my hometown of Boston, MA.  I have an MFA from the Writing Seminars at Bennington College and a B.S. in Journalism from Boston University. During my career as a journalist, my work appeared in The Boston Phoenix magazine XLR8R, and Boston’s Weekly Dig. She also contributed articles on a volunteer basis to What’s Up Magazine and Spare Change, which are two magazines that benefit the homeless. My poetry has appeared in Saul Williams’ poetry anthology Chorus: A Literary Mixtape, as well as the anthologies Forgetting Home and Mother is a Verb. I’ve also published poems in literary magazines like 5AM Magazine, Touchstone Literary Journal and on the online journal LaFovea.

5 Tutoring times Any time before school, after school or at lunch by appointment. I am here most days until around 5:00 PM at least. If your student lets me know, I can be here. Monday through Wednesday is best. On Thursdays I sponsor Nintendo Club, so I can tutor, but it might be loud. I am flexible. Just ask/ sign up!

6 What we’re studying this year…
Literature from around the world! Reading skills will include inferences and incorporating textual evidence to back up an assertion. We’re going to read A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah (3rd six weeks) as a class The major essays we will focus on first is the persuasive (STAAR) Later in the year, we will focus on literary analysis and research.

7 Grading break down Homework and Daily assignments are worth 15%
Quizzes and mini-projects are worth 20%. Unit Tests are worth 30% Essays and major projects are worth 35% Students who fail tests can re-take them within one week for up to a 70%. Late work (This is for all 10th grade ELA Classes) All assignments (homework, mini-projects, major projects, essays, presentations, etc.): These are due at the beginning of the period on the due date. Late assignments will be penalized 10 points for every calendar day late until it reaches a 50%. After five days, the assignment will receive a zero.

8 Grading for creative writing
Grading Procedures: Pre-Writing & Classroom Activities: 15% Rough Drafts & Informal writing assignments: 20% First Drafts & Formal Writing Assignment: 30% Writer’s Notebook & Portfolio Pieces: 35% Creative writing is a weighted elective. Therefore if students do well, it can help their GPA. For this reason, I expect students to take the work seriously and participate in class.

9 Bowie Book Fair! The ELA department is hosting book fair of sorts this year. They are in the library tonight. If you use the voucher, the ELA department will get a part of the proceeds. Also, if you can’t go tonight it runs September 3rd-11 at the Barnes & Noble in Sunset Valley at 5601 Brodie Lane. For my class, I suggest students purchase a copy of A Long Way Gone so that they can mark it up and have it outside of class if they need it.

10 Thank you! Any questions?

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