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Statistics and Data Analysis

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1 Statistics and Data Analysis
Professor William Greene Stern School of Business Department of IOMS Department of Economics

2 Statistics and Data Analysis
Part 11A – Lognormal Random Walks

3 Lognormal Random Walk The lognormal model remedies some of the shortcomings of the linear (normal) model. Somewhat more realistic. Equally controversial. Description follows for those interested.

4 30/46 Lognormal Variable If the log of a variable has a normal distribution, then the variable has a lognormal distribution. Mean =Exp[μ+σ2/2] > Median = Exp[μ]

5 Lognormality – Country Per Capita Gross Domestic Product Data
31/46 Lognormality – Country Per Capita Gross Domestic Product Data

6 Lognormality – Earnings in a Large Cross Section
32/46 Lognormality – Earnings in a Large Cross Section

7 Lognormal Variable Exhibits Skewness
33/46 Lognormal Variable Exhibits Skewness The mean is to the right of the median.

8 Lognormal Distribution for Price Changes
34/46 Lognormal Distribution for Price Changes Math preliminaries: (Growth) If price is P0 at time 0 and the price grows by 100Δ% from period 0 to period 1, then the price at period 1 is P0(1 + Δ). For example, P0=40; Δ = 0.04 (4% per period); P1 = P0( ). (Price ratio) If P1 = P0( ) then P1/P0 = ( ). (Math fact) For smallish Δ, log(1 + Δ) ≈ Δ Example, if Δ = 0.04, log( ) =

9 35/46 Collecting Math Facts

10 36/46 Building a Model

11 37/46 A Second Period

12 38/46 What Does It Imply?

13 39/46 Random Walk in Logs

14 Lognormal Model for Prices
40/46 Lognormal Model for Prices

15 41/46 Lognormal Random Walk

16 42/46 Application Suppose P0 = 40, μ=0 and σ= What is the probabiity that P25, the price of the stock after 25 days, will exceed 45? logP25 has mean log μ =log40 = and standard deviation σ√25 = 5(.02)=.1. It will be at least approximately normally distributed. P[P25 > 45] = P[logP25 > log45] = P[logP25 > ] P[logP25 > ] = P[(logP )/0.1 > ( )/0.1)]= P[Z > 1.177] = P[Z < ] =

17 43/46 Prediction Interval We are 95% certain that logP25 is in the interval logP0 + μ σ25 to logP0 + μ σ Continue to assume μ=0 so μ25 = 25(0)=0 and σ=0.02 so σ25 = 0.02(√25)=0.1 Then, the interval is (0.1) to (0.1) or to This means that we are 95% confident that P0 is in the range e = and e = 48.66

18 44/46 Observations - 1 The lognormal model (lognormal random walk) predicts that the price will always take the form PT = P0eΣΔt This will always be positive, so this overcomes the problem of the first model we looked at.

19 45/46 Observations - 2 The lognormal model has a quirk of its own. Note that when we formed the prediction interval for P25 based on P0 = 40, the interval is [32.88,48.66] which has center at > 40, even though μ = 0. It looks like free money. Why does this happen? A feature of the lognormal model is that E[PT] = P0exp(μT + ½σT2) which is greater than P0 even if μ = 0. Philosophically, we can interpret this as the expected return to undertaking risk (compared to no risk – a risk “premium”). On the other hand, this is a model. It has virtues and flaws. This is one of the flaws.

20 Summary Normal distribution approximation to binomial
46/46 Summary Normal distribution approximation to binomial Approximate with a normal with same mean and standard deviation Continuity correction Sums and central limit theorem Random walk model for stock prices Lognormal variables Alternative random walk model using logs

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