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Chapter 7 Section 1: Electric Charge

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1 Chapter 7 Section 1: Electric Charge
Electricity Chapter 7 Section 1: Electric Charge

2 What’s going on here?

3 Electric Charge! Atoms have 2 kinds of charged particles in them:
Protons: positively charged, found in the nucleus Electrons: negatively charged, found outside the nucleus Some atoms can lose electrons easily Lost electrons are never really lost! Law of Conservation of Charge: Electrons can build up on an object Static electricity: accumulation of extra charges on an object

4 The Law of Charges Opposite charges attract Like charges repel
Why is the girl’s hair sticking out?

5 Electric Force Charges can detect other charges at a distance
As the distance increases, the electric force from a charge decreases Electric field: the area around a charge where the charge can be detected Field lines are drawn to show the electric field

6 Conductors and Insulators
A conductor can cause a static charge to discharge! An insulator can keep a static charge from moving

7 Transferring Electric Charge
Charging by contact: a charged object touches another and moves charge contact may be friction or contact of an already charged object Charging by induction: electrons are rearranged by a charge that comes close

8 The Ultimate Static Electricity

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