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Welcome to English 080 / ABE 80!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English 080 / ABE 80!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to English 080 / ABE 80!
Please take a folder and write your name on it, as well as on all of the sheets inside. Purple – Orientation Worksheet (fill this out as we review the PPT) White – Syllabus (this will help you with the purple worksheet) Pink – Coordinator Conference Record Sheet Yellow – Tutoring Record Sheet Gold – Activity Log

2 2 credits toward helping you become a super student
English 080: Orientation 2 credits toward helping you become a super student

3 Welcome to Page One— Your Writing and Language CenteR!

4 Meet Your Instructors and Writing Center Coordinators!
Your instructors are Jamie Wilson & Elinor Appel This presentation will explain all the requirements for this course. Please complete the Orientation Worksheet as you watch this presentation. Jamie Wilson Elinor Appel

5 English 080 Outcomes You will:
Build a solid foundation for academic success at North Seattle College Develop a greater appreciation for one-on-one learning Discover resources that promote student success in Page One and around the NSC campus Improve your writing and grammar skills Become a more self-directed learner

6 How Do I Get course Credit?
With each Student Success Activity you complete, you will accrue (gain) points – like in a video game – and the amount of Student Success Points you earn will determine your grade Every hour of work equals points Your goal is to achieve points by the end of the quarter for a 4.0!

7 Student Success Point Grade Scale
Student Success Points Grades 4.0 169 – 188 3.0 – 3.9 149 – 168 2.0 – 2.9 129 – 148 1.0 – 1.9 0.0

8 Student Success Activities Part 1:
Student Success Activity Student Success Points Description Orientation 10 points for 1 hour live or online orientation MANDATORY Complete the orientation worksheet either by attending a live session or online with Canvas. How To Make Use of a Tutor: Canvas Module 10 Points A Canvas lesson on how to effectively get the most out of a tutoring session. How to Avoid Plagiarism: Canvas Module 10 points A Canvas lesson on how to avoid plagiarism Conference with Coordinator at Beginning and Middle of the Quarter 7.5 points for each conference Meet with the coordinator to check in on your progress. One-on-One Tutoring AND/OR Tutor Navigator Study Meetings 5 points for each 30 minute session  MANDATORY Please note: Your total Student Success Points must include the following minimum points from tutoring 50 points (5 hours) for 4.0 40 points (4 hours) for 3.0 30 points (3 hours) for 2.0  20 points (2 hours) for 1.0 One-on-one tutoring involves meeting individually with a tutor in the writing center to discuss an English assignment. Group-study sessions facilitated by the Tutor Navigator assigned to your course will give you more time to review and practice the material covered in your class.

9 Student Success Activities Part 2:
Student Success Activity Student Success Points Description Canvas Activities 5 points per 30-minute Canvas activity These customized online learning modules are designed to teach you valuable study skills, writing, reading, and grammar lessons that will help you throughout your college career. Study Skills Workshop with an NSC Counselor 20 points for attending the 1- hour workshop* *Not offered summer quarter. Learn valuable study skills that will help you excel in your English courses led by one of our NSC counselors. The counselor will offer two workshops during the quarter. One will be on study skills for English classes and the other on career planning! Canvas Activities 5 points per 30-minute Canvas activity These customized online learning modules are designed to teach you valuable study skills, writing, reading, and grammar lessons that will help you throughout your college career.

10 Student Success Activities Part 3:
Library Activity 10 points for completing this 1-hour library activity What does the library have to offer students? Complete this fun scavenger-hunt activity and discover all the resources in the library that can help you. Campus Activities Earn 20 points for attending a designated campus event and completing a 7 – 10 sentence summary of your experience. Get connected with campus organizations and activities, meet new friends, encounter new ideas, and have fun along the way!

11 understanding Tutor Navigator
Students taking Eng. 97, Eng. 98, or Eng. 99/101 may earn points by participating in our Tutor- Navigator program. Tutor Navigators spend time in your class, get to know your instructor and assignments, and then organize study groups for your classes in the Student Learning Center. Tutor Navigators can also help answer any questions you may have about your English class or other resources at NSC.

12 Tutors Navigators for fall 2018
If you are in… …with… …your navigator is… ENGL 97 & 98 Paul Pal Viv Laura McCracken Tracey ENGL 99/101 Diana Ma Elizabeth Steve Quig Taylor

13 What Is The Purpose of the Tutoring Record Sheet?
The purpose of the Tutoring Record Sheet is to document the hours you spend working with a tutor or tutor navigator Ultimately, it is your responsibility to make sure every conference with a writing tutor is documented. The Tutoring Record Sheet will be the heaviest factor in determining your grade.

14 When Do I Meet My English 080 Instructors?
You must meet with a Page One coordinator at the beginning and middle of the quarter. These conferences should be scheduled on Canvas and will be recorded in the pink Coordinator Conference Record Sheet. Beginning-of-the-quarter conferences are to make sure you understand the course requirements and have a solid plan for accomplishing them You must meet with a coordinator by the end of the second week (1/16/19). Middle-of-the-quarter conferences offer a progress report, and focus on charting your path to success for the remainder of the quarter. You must meet with a coordinator by the end of the 6th week (2/15/19). (You earn points for each of these conferences!)

15 Are There Any Other Requirements?
To be eligible for a 4.0, you must earn 100 points by Friday, February 15th at 1pm. Tutoring sessions that take place during finals week do not count toward this class. You do not earn points for just typing your paper for class or doing homework. You only get credit for doing one of the activities listed on the activity chart.

16 Where Do I get Started? Once you have created an English 080 folder, you will store it at the English 080 station in Page One. Every time you come in, you may begin by signing up for an English 80 tutor at gnin.html. (This link only works on campus.)

17 To summarize: How to earn a 4.0
To get a 4.0 in English / ABE 080, you must: Earn at least 189 points by performing a combination of our Page One Student Success Activities. At least 50 of your total points must come from working with a tutor. To be eligible for a 4.0, you must earn at least 100 points by Friday, February 15th, at 1pm. Do you have questions? Please ask a coordinator or tutor. We are here to help!

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