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Reactions to Equations Lab Translation Practice

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Presentation on theme: "Reactions to Equations Lab Translation Practice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reactions to Equations Lab Translation Practice

2 Evaluation/Assessment:
Objective: Today I will be able to: Write balanced equations for reactions observed in the laboratory Identify the gas given off in a chemical reaction by testing it with a glowing splint Translate equations from symbols to words and words to symbols Evaluation/Assessment: Informal assessment – monitoring group interactions during the reactions to equations lab Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to the lab Common Core Connection Value Evidence Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Attend to precision

3 Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up Evaluate: Review Homework
Engage and Explore: From Reactions to Equations Lab Elaborate: Lab questions Evaluate: Exit Ticket

4 Warm - Up List examples of evidence for a chemical change when working in a laboratory.

5 Objective Today I will be able to:
Write balanced equations for reactions observed in the laboratory Identify the gas given off in a chemical reaction by testing it with a glowing splint Translate equations from symbols to words and words to symbols

6 Homework Finish Lab Questions
Study for Balancing/Translating Quiz Thursday

7 Agenda Warm – Up Turn in Homework From Reactions to Equations Lab
Exit Ticket

8 Translating Equations Practice – Graded for accuracy
Turn in Homework Translating Equations Practice – Graded for accuracy

9 From Reactions to Equations Lab

10 Lab Safety You must wear closed toe shoes, an apron and goggles to participate Using 1.0 M HCl – if you spill, rinse under water in the sink Place HCl into red graduated cylindder Place H2O2 into yello/black graduated cylinder Disposal Place splints that have been burned into the designated container Do not put the metals down the drain (place on paper towel) Dispose liquid waste in the sink and sold waste in the trash Rinse out all glassware and return to container

11 Lab Directions You will be working in pairs
Complete parts A,B and C only of the lab Skip part D Answer the Analysis and Conclusion questions for parts A-C Skip the questions for part D When you complete the lab, turn it in to Mr. Klotz

12 Exit Ticket - Reflection
What did I learn in lab today? What errors did I make during the lab? How can I correct the errors in the future?

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