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15. I can ask for and understand prices.

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1 15. I can ask for and understand prices.
Go to the ‘mi vida loca’ website at and choose episode 6 ‘Learn to buy a present’. Watch the episode and do the activities at the end. You may find the numbers pretty easy as they go over numbers 1-15, but the episode is worthwhile doing as it introduces how to ask how much something is, as well as other useful vocabulary for buying things. 2) Choose 5 more words from the episode of Mi vida loca and write them in the box below in Spanish and English. When you are ready to take this challenge your teacher will test you on them. 3) It is important you can pronounce the word for euros correctly. You should be able to do this having watced the episode on mi vida loca. Which of the following sounds like how the word should be pronounced? a) you-rows b) yow-rows c)eh-oi-rows 4) Find out, write down and learn how to say: a) I’m just looking b) It’s a present c)I would like d)Can I help you? 5) Use this website to find out the opening hours of most shops in Spain and write them down here. 6) Turn this sheet over and write the numbers 1-10 down the left hand side. Your teacher will then tell you 10 different prices and you need to write them down in digits. Make sure you revise your numbers before doing this part of the challenge. ¿Cuánto es./cuesta.? How much is…? While testing on the numbers you may choose to just test prices 1-15 or you may feel the student can cope with numbers like siete euros con cinquenta after a quick explanation about ‘con’ Challenge 15 achieved Date __________________ Signature of teacher: ______________________

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