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Daniel Jacobson Rob Harles Jonathan Coffman

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1 Daniel Jacobson Rob Harles Jonathan Coffman
OpenID Adoption Daniel Jacobson Rob Harles Jonathan Coffman

2 Plan for the Next Hour Quick overview of the newly formed Adoption Committee Current NPR strategy for Identity Sharing Sears case study PBS case study Discussion and feedback from the room

3 Adoption Committee - Overview
Formerly the Marketing Committee Adoption Committee Members : Daniel Jacobson (Chair) Marc Frons (Vice Chair) Rob Harles (Online Retailer Sub-Chair) Brian Kissel Raj Mata Bjorn Woltermann Jonathan Coffman Joseph Smart Brian Ellin Chris Messina

4 Adoption Committee - Overview
Vision for Adoption Committee for 2010 Surveys and market research Potential RPs, OPs and end users Identity sharing  trends in the marketplace Evolve OpenID into a “product” Create “deployment kits” Improve usability (eg. Federated FB Connect) Improve mobile experience Code Library Build out code libraries focused on easy implementation Facilitate sharing and communities Marketing / Promotions Enhance Evangelism at conferences, seminars, etc. Review the branding strategies around OpenID

5 Adoption Committee - Overview
(DRAFT) Timeline for Adoption Committee for Early 2010 Refine vision - Early March Budget - Early April Break into subcommittees - Early April (after Budget) Online Retailers Usability Marketing and Promotions Code Development and Management Survey and Market Analysis

6 Adoption Committee - Overview

7 NPR's Perspective on OpenID
NPR's Vision for Identity Sharing  Identity management is critical for NPR Identity sharing is an important part of the strategy OpenID is one of several technologies on the NPR radar End game is shared identities across all public media Benefits of OpenID for NPR Convenience for users Potential for increased registration conversions Concerns around OpenID for NPR Usability issues could drive away potential registrants Value proposition is unknown Implementation is a technical challenge NPR's mobile strategy is growing and OpenID needs to accommodate





12 PBS’ Online Identity Initiative February 2010

13 What Most People Think Of

14 When Really Its…

15 A Little More About That Ecosystem...
PBS is consistently rated as being one of the most trustworthy brands in America. We serve users across platforms, and of all ages Parents, educators, and kids Key stakeholders include member stations, show creators, and partner organizations. The whole ecosystem is federated, including Ultimately, public media is almost like a microcosm of the web

16 The Vision Users ought to be able to move across, their local station site, and trusted partner sites and retain their identity and related data. The technology is progressing nicely toward that goal, but the policy side however is much more far-reaching.

17 Where PBS Is Now Release 1 - Implemented OpenID based OP to power internal sites, and sites that were tired of managing their own authentication services. Included core user account data, standard 'redirect' user experience Release 2 - Implemented UX extension for 'overlay' experience

18 Where We Want To Go Short and Medium Term
Enhanced user profiles, including allowing RPs to store extended profile data at the OP Begin building out the consumer side of system, allow users to connect with and use their 3rd party accounts across ecosystem Need: Additional market data on consumer demand and acceptance of tying accounts together Need: Further revision of the UX

19 What This All Means We need to protect and insure not only the technical layer, but also the policy layer. Trust Framework concept seems to be very compelling for the public media space. PBS has teamed up with the OIDf and ICf to investigate and map out what a Public Media Trust Framework might entail -- talking to Stations, Shows, NPR, and companies like Google and PayPal to envision a time when all of this might come together and to create a path forward.

20 Questions / Discussion
Daniel Jacobson @daniel_jacobson Rob Harles Jonathan Coffman @jdcoffman

21 RP and OP Discussion Ideas
Are the views provided by NPR, PBS and Sears representative of the views of other potential RPs? What are other impediments for potential RPs? What is the best way to conduct market surveys and analysis?  What should we be asking and/or looking for? What can we do to improve overall usability of OpenID? What can we do to promote awareness and adoption of OpenID by potential end users? What kinds of code libraries would help facilitate easier implementation for potential RPs?

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