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Lívia Vasas, PhD 2019 Online public access catalogs in medicine Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome Lívia Vasas, PhD

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Presentation on theme: "Lívia Vasas, PhD 2019 Online public access catalogs in medicine Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome Lívia Vasas, PhD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lívia Vasas, PhD 2019
Online public access catalogs in medicine Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome Lívia Vasas, PhD 2019

2 Facilities Author Title Subject Publisher Language ISBN

3 Catalogs Public catalog
Journal catalog Online book catalog The world's largest catalog The largest medical catalog Catalog of University and Research Libraries in the United Kingdom


5 Subject: anatomy, comparative

6 Full screen of the record


8 Chemie für Mediziner 8., völlig überarb. Aufl. 2014.
How many copies are in the Library ? 4 How many copies can be borrowed? 1 where is the loanable book? In „Tűzoltó utca” EOK Library

9 Fotoatlas Neuroanatomie: Präparate, Zeichnungen und Text, 2013
How many copies are in - Central Library, in „Mikszath tér”? 2 - „Tűzoltó utca” EOK Library:

10 Advanced search

11 Advanced search in Huntéka catalog
English printed books, in the title is the „surgery” and no electronic documents only printed How many records are? How many records are in 2000?

12 Semmelweis University Journals catalog – advanced search 9374 different titles, - open acces: 3168

13 Advanced search subject: dermatology

14 More information…

15 Questions - Semmelweis University Journals catalog
How many - German electronic journals are in gastroenterology? - English electronic journals are in Hematology by Springer?

16 Quiz - Semmelweis University Journals catalog
How many electronic journals can use in German language and „ forensic medicine” subject? How many open acces journals can use in English language and „Cell biology” subject?

17 Quiz – Semmelweis University Journals catalog
When was published the oldest issue, what you can read online in „ Acta Tropica”? In „Orvosi Hetilap” ?

18 The author? Lancet, 1829, volume 13, Issue 330, Pages 425 – The title: Lectures on surgery, medical and operative Smidt, VA MR Lawrence E Holl

19 Quiz – Semmelweis University Journals catalog
What is the online ISSN of "ABDOMINAL RADIOLOGY„?

20 Online Book catalog


22 Online book catalog: Basal Cell Carcinoma
Chaper: Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma Among the authors of the reference list is a „Pinkus H”? yes no Table 4. Staging Classification yes no

23 Online Book catalog The title, beginning with: Differential Diagnosis in Neurology… The publisher is: THIEME Who is the author(s): Tsementzis Sotirios A Howard Page How many illustrations are in this book? Where do you find the „Spinal Disorder” section? Page

24 Achilles tendon
Chapter 5 Current Strategy in the Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy Who is author? Sebastian M Malcolm C Justin Paoloni Figure 3 is on the page. True False

25 Worldcat

26 WorldCat search How many Zelko Romana "computer file" documents are there? How many Falus András „eBook” records are there?

27 The largest medical catalog
Contain: bibliographic data for journals, books, audiovisuals, electronic resources



30 NLM catalog Book searching
Title(s): Dengue and Zika: control and antiviral treatment strategies Country of Publication: Manila Singapore How many pages are?

31 Quiz - NLM catalog The authors: Kellermayer, M Hazlewood, C etc Publisher: Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1991. Title(s):The Physical aspect of the living cell What is the publication type and NLM ID? Article true or or false? false true


33 Copac search Author: Falus András Title: Histamine and inflammation
How many libraries have this book? Which sheffmark sign is at Cambridge University? S1/035 K6/4723 329:1.b.95.26

34 Thank you!

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