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Presentation on theme: "EXAMINATION NUMBER TWO"— Presentation transcript:

Summative Examination Early and Late Renaissance Each question is worth ten points. There are ten questions which you must answer. To earn full credit, you must be able to identify the artist or the title of the work (if it is not provided) as well as thoughtfully answer the question. Please make sure that you link your assertions to carefully described visual evidence.

2 Portrait of a Lady 1460 Question #1: Medium/Technique
Please why this work of art demonstrates a virtuoso use of oil paint. Portrait of a Lady 1460

3 Question #2: Patronage Please identify the patron who commissioned this group of figures and then please explain how the choice of subject connects to the patron. Please discuss where these figures where placed. How does the location of this group of figures connect to the patron? Four Crowned Martyrs

4 Question #3: Perspective
First just look: review and compare the following two works of art. Now write: please discuss what you notice about how each artist has attempted to represent a sense of depth in the image. In other words, how does each artist attempt to create a believable sense of space and recession.

5 December Tres Riches Heures 1413-1416

6 The Hunt in the Forest 1460s tempera on wood

7 Question #4: The Human Form
What is the artist using this depiction of the human form to communicate? Central panel of the Isenheim Altarpiece c oil on wood panel

8 Question #5: Politics and Beliefs
What argument does this work of art communicate? marble

9 Question #6: Architecture
Review the following three slides. Then please explain why this building is considered the most perfect example of Early Renaissance architecture. Hint: Consider the characteristics of Renaissance architecture. How does this building demonstrate those characteristics?

10 The Spedale degli Innocenti was a foundling children’s orphanage established in 1419.



13 Question #7: Mannerism How does this work demonstrate the characteristics of Mannerism? Parmigianino Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror c oil on wood

14 Question #8: Significance
Why is this work of art especially significant? Portinari Altarpiece

15 Question #8: Argument What argument does this work of art make? Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de' Medici and Luigi de' Rossi oil on wood

16 Question #9: Argument What argument does this work of art make? The Sistine Chapel (Capella Sistina), Vatican 1510

17 Question #10: Technical Terms
This work of art is an excellent example of what artistic technique? The Lamentation Over the Dead Christ c. 1490


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