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10/2/17 (Grab a new “I Can” paper from the red stool)

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1 10/2/17 (Grab a new “I Can” paper from the red stool)
QOD What form of government came first? A monarchy was the form of government that came first. I can describe an oligarchy.

2 10/2/17 Agenda I can and QOD Agenda Vocab Flashcards
Read and take notes 26.3 Early Greece Map

3 Quiz Results Colony Settlement Isolated Community Assembly Aristocrat
This Week Year Long Discard Colony Settlement Isolated Community Assembly Aristocrat Merchants Aegean Sea Peninsula Geography Shelter

4 Quiz 2 Flashcards Citizen – a member of a democracy who has certain rights and responsibilities. **City-State – an independent community consisting of a city and its surrounding territory. **Democracy – a government in which power is held by the people, who exercise power directly or through elected representatives **Monarchy – A form of government in which the ruling power is in the hands of one person. **Natural Resources - useful material that comes from the land

5 26.3 Oligarchy: A Few People Share Power
Oligarchies ruled from 800 to 600 BCE. The power to make political decisions is in the hands of a few people called Oligarchs. They ruled by… Passing laws that protected and increased their wealth Living comfortable lives while the poor worked in the fields

6 They lost power because
They ignored the needs of the majority Passed unpopular laws and enforced them with the army **Rich got richer and poor got poorer** Army leaders and the poor overthrew the oligarchs

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