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Ecology Unit 1.

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1 Ecology Unit 1

2 Go get a computer Today we will take the Biology pre-test.
Your grade is a participation grade. After the test we will begin the new unit of Biological studies – Ecology.

3 Biology Pretest Go to Google classroom Choose Biology pretest
Click on the Pretest and take the test. When you are done go to and open Ecology Unit 1.

4 In pg. 24 Describe what you see in this picture. What things are living in this picture? What things are not living in this picture but affect the things that are living? Go Get a Computer before you sit down and start on your in Question.


6 Do it Now pg. 24 How and do nonliving things affect living things?
Are these relationships good, bad or both – explain.

7 Biology Flexbook address

8 Thru 1 Vocabulary Pg. 25

9 Thru 2 Pg. 26 & 27 Go to the following address:
Write questions on pg. 26 Answer on page 27. What is the % at which the populations of rabbits grow each month? What is the rabbit population at month 0? What is the multiplier for a 10% per month population growth rate? What do we multiply by now for each additional month, what does the new equation look like? What variable represents months? What is population a function of? What is the variable used for population? What does (n) represent? What is the equation used to figure population growth? How is the growth rate figured for 10 years? How many rabbits would we have in 10 years? How is this graphed? What kind of growth is this called? What is a better model for growth? What did you like most about the video?

10 Do it Again pg. 24 Give two examples of an abiotic factor
Give two examples of a biotic factor

11 Out Pg. 24 What is the formula for exponential growth rate?
How many rabbits would exist in a population if the initial population was 50 rabbits and it grew at 20% per month after 5 months of growth – write out the formula then under the formula replace the letters with numbers next under that calculate the answer.

12 Week #5 This part of the power point will be for week #5

13 In pg. 28 Ozone, moon and stars are examples of things that are living or non living? Nonliving things that influence living things in an ecosystem are called?

14 Do it now pg. 28 Insects, bacteria and fungus are examples of things that are living or nonliving? Things that are living in a ecosystem are called?

15 Pg. 30 & 31 Answer the questions in blue ink, black ink or pencil.
Population growth rate worksheet & answers pg. 30 Population growth article information pg. 31 Answer the questions in blue ink, black ink or pencil. Write page 30 on the worksheet in the upper left hand corner before you start on it. Yes following directions will get you points. Staple tape or glue the article in on this page. Write page 31 in the upper right hand corner of the information paper before you start on it. Yes following directions will get you points.

16 Do it again pg. 28 What is the difference between logistic growth and exponential growth.

17 Out pg. 28 Use the Top Ten on page three for this activity:
Use Top Ten #2 Tee Shirt Art. Your Concept is carrying capacity.

18 In Pg. 32 You are a fish and game warden looking at the population of Largemouth Bass. This year your starting population is 300 Bass and you think they will grow at an exponential rate of 35% per year. How many Bass will you find in your favorite fishing hole in 25 years under exponential growth rates? 1. Write out the formula – think penny. 2. Write out the equation with numbers. 3. show all work in your algebra.

19 Do it now pg. 32 What type of growth is below? How do you know this?

20 Cornell Notes Pg. 29 What are models?

21 What are Models? Models are representations of real objects or systems
used to solve problems and predict outcomes Physical models= a 3 dimensional representation used to show relationships between parts. Model solar system Conceptual models= a diagram that shows how the parts of a larger whole are related. Food web Mathematical models =based on mathematical equations. Computer models= computer programs that make predictions.

22 Thru 1 Pg. 34 & 35 Analysis Questions Pg. 34 Answers on page 35
What is a model? Find an example on google. What is a physical model? Find an example on google. What is a conceptual model? Find an example on google. What is a mathematical model? Find an example on google. What is a computer model? Find an example on google. Answer your questions on page

23 Thru 2 pg. 36 & 37 - Homework Answers and article
Population limiting Factor worksheet. Answers and article You will use page 36 to staple, tape or glue these questions into. On the upper left hand corner of the worksheet write page 37. You will answer them on page 37. In the upper right hand corner of the article write page 37. Answer the questions from the worksheet on page 37. You might need a page extender. Staple tape or glue the article on page 37 after you are done, but you must do this so we can see you’re answers. We will grade this together next class.

24 Do it again Pg. 32 You are an ecologist doing a study on the population of frogs the farm ponds of S.E. Kansas. This year your initial population is Your population under exponential growth conditions will grow by 15% per year. What will your frog population be in 25 years? 1. Write out the formula – think penny. 2. Write out the write out the equation with numbers. 3. show all work in your algebra.

25 Out pg. 32 What are some biotic factors that will not allow for exponential growth of our frogs? What are some abiotic factors that will not allow for exponential growth of our frogs?

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