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Welcome to Physics 5305!!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Physics 5305!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Physics 5305!!

2 Undergraduate Statistical Physics!
This is a Graduate Core Course! This means that you should already have a knowledge of BOTH Classical Thermodynamics & Undergraduate Statistical Physics! If you are weak on these, don’t worry. We’ll do some brief reviewing of these topics!

3 In your undergrad Statistical & Thermal Physics course, among many other very important & useful concepts, you should have learned why the electrical arrangement in the figure on the next slide will not work!!!

4 The First Law of Thermodynamics
The arrangement in the figure will not work due to both The First Law of Thermodynamics

5 The First Law of Thermodynamics The Second Law of
The arrangement in the figure will not work due to both The First Law of Thermodynamics and The Second Law of Thermodynamics!

6 Conservation of Total Energy.
The arrangement in the figure will not work due to both The First Law of Thermodynamics and The Second Law of Thermodynamics! The 1st Law of Thermodynamics  Conservation of Total Energy.

7 Entropy must increase in any process.
The arrangement in the figure will not work due to both The First Law of Thermodynamics and The Second Law of Thermodynamics! The 1st Law of Thermodynamics  Conservation of Total Energy. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics  Entropy must increase in any process.

8 Course Introduction & Organization
Syllabus, Grading Communications, Lectures Exams, Homework Semester Project, Rules

9 Please Note & Use the Class Web Site!
Note: This website is under construction!!

10 Please Note & Use the Class Web Site!
There, you will soon find: 1. Posted (Word format): Syllabus, Help Resources, Homework Assignments & Solutions, Old Exams & Solutions. Note: This website is under construction!!

11 Please Note & Use the Class Web Site!
There, you will soon find: 1. Posted (Word format): Syllabus, Help Resources, Homework Assignments & Solutions, Old Exams & Solutions. 2. Posted (Power Point): Lectures Note: This website is under construction!!

12 Please Note & Use the Class Web Site!
There, you will soon find: 1. Posted (Word format): Syllabus, Help Resources, Homework Assignments & Solutions, Old Exams & Solutions. 2. Posted (Power Point): Lectures 3. Posted: IMPORTANT Class Announcements & Calendar Items! Note: This website is under construction!!

13 Please Note & Use the Class Web Site!
There, you will soon find: 1. Posted (Word format): Syllabus, Help Resources, Homework Assignments & Solutions, Old Exams & Solutions. 2. Posted (Power Point): Lectures 3. Posted: IMPORTANT Class Announcements & Calendar Items! 4. Posted: Other items relating to this class. Note: This website is under construction!!

14 Please Note & Use the Class Web Site!
There, you will soon find: 1. Posted (Word format): Syllabus, Help Resources, Homework Assignments & Solutions, Old Exams & Solutions. 2. Posted (Power Point): Lectures 3. Posted: IMPORTANT Class Announcements & Calendar Items! 4. Posted: Other items relating to this class. PLEASE!! Get into the habit of checking this page often! Note: This website is under construction!!

15 The Announcement Page:
Linked from the Physics 5305 Web Page is: The Announcement Page: Contains Class Announcements & Major Calendar Items. Please check it often!

16 bio_myles/bio_myles.php &
Linked from the Physics 5305 Web Page is: The Announcement Page: Contains Class Announcements & Major Calendar Items. Please check it often! If you are interested, you might also check out My Web Pages at: bio_myles/bio_myles.php &

17 Physics 5305 Email Distribution List!
It is Important that that I have the correct address for you!!! I’ll construct an distribution list based on addresses from TTU Student Records. I’ll use it to make important class announcements!!! PLEASE: Check your OFTEN!!! Please tell me if you change your address! Thank You!!

18 Me (office hours or not!)
Where to Go for Help?? Your Fellow Students!!! An effective strategy is to work on homework & to study for exams together in a group. This is how professionals work in the “real world”. Me (office hours or not!) The Internet!!! There are LARGE numbers of Statistical Physics Help sites! Using Google & typing in “Statistical Physics Help” gives 19,600,000 hits!!!! The Class Web Page! It exists primarily to be of help to you!!

19 To Succeed in this Course
See the document (downloadable from the webpage!): “How to Succeed in Statistical Physics by Really Trying”! READ the book(s), which cost you many $$$! It’s most effective to read the material BEFORE I lecture over it. WORK the assigned homework problems!! No looking at solutions from previous years or solutions found on the web! That is CHEATING! Copying solutions & being an expert at using Google to find problem solutions will NOT teach you physics! WORK extra problems!

20 To Succeed in this Course
ATTENDANCE!!! COME TO CLASS!! There is a correlation between attendance & grades! Also, skipping means that you are WASTING the tuition & fees that you (or your someone) paid! With tuition & fees for a full-time (in state) grad student, each class meeting costs about $39. Each time you skip, you are throwing away $39. After a while this adds up! My lectures may not be entertaining or brilliant, but I do expose you to the material.

21 Extra Credit?

22 Hopefully, this isn’t you, because my answer will always be NO!!!
Extra Credit? Hopefully, this isn’t you, because my answer will always be NO!!!

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