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A4ed Authors for Earth Day.

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Presentation on theme: "A4ed Authors for Earth Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 A4ed Authors for Earth Day

2 What is A4ED? Your task is to go to the A4ED website and find 5 pieces of information. First you will open the website in your internet browser. Then you will come back to the powerpoint to find out the information you are looking for. When you find the information, write the answers on an Exit Ticket and turn it in to the Librarians. Move to the next Information Station! If this is the Final Station, then go get books!

3 Here’s the website:

4 Ready?

5 Write the answers on your Exit Ticket:
Look at the list of PARTICIPANTS in the Authors for Earth Day project. Do you see any authors you recognize? List your favorite(s). Authors for Earth Day was begun in Which organization received the author’s donation of $700? Look at the IN THE NEWS section. True or False: Jeff Kinney has participated in A4ED. Name TWO organizations that have benefited (received $$$) from A4ED authors. How much money has been contributed so far?

6 You’re done!

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