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Happy Super Bowl Weekend! Go Pats!

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1 Happy Super Bowl Weekend! Go Pats!
Mrs. Bean’s Superheroes In Action February 1, 2019 Important Dates: February 7th: Free Farm to School Lunch Day February 12th: 100th Day of School (if there is no more snow days) February 14th: Valentine’s Day Celebration February 22nd: End of Term February 25th- March 5th: Winter Break Classroom News: This week we participated the great kindness challenged, reviewed classroom expectations and had fun showing our spirit for spirit week. There are many important dates coming up. On February 7th the school will provide a free Farm to School lunch. Spaghetti with either Beef (from Kenyon's Farm) or Veggie Marinara Sauce and Sunshine Coleslaw will be on the menu. Students will still be offered a sandwich choice. The 100th day of school is right around the corner. In first grade there is no big projects but we will celebrate the day with special activities in math, reading, and writing. We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 14th. There is a class list attached to this newsletter to ensure no one is left out. Cards are welcomed but not required. Please look for additional school information in the school’s monthly newsletter which is available online. This includes information about drop-offs and additional important dates. Happy Super Bowl Weekend! Go Pats! Mrs. Bean Specials: Monday: Music Tuesday: Library (Remember to return your book) Wednesday: PE (Remember sneakers) Thursday: Art Friday: PE (Remember your sneakers) Contact Information: Phone: Ext

2 What we are Learning! Math O.G. Reading Writing Science
This week we cleaned out our book boxes and took our mid-year MAPs assessment. We also reviewed strategies for solving hard words and becoming super-smart about nonfiction topics. Students reviewed addition strategies (+1, combos of 10, teens, doubles, near doubles, 2 apart). They also solved equations on number lines, subtracted 10 and counted by 2s from any number. We continued to spell using the f,l,s,z (flosz) rule and –all. We learned how to spell words that end with the /k/ sound. If there is a short vowel we use the digraph –ck and if there is a long vowel we use the letter k with a silent e. Students worked on their nonfiction “teaching” books. They learned to use pictures, captions, arrows, and comparisons to help teach their readers. They were introduced to a writing rubric to remind them of everything their book needs. We learned more about how shadows move because the earth is moving. We measured our shadows outside at different times of the day. Next week we will begin to plan our Park STEM project. Our goal is to create a park that will have sunny benches for picnics in the fall. Math O.G. Writing Science

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