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Mrs. McMorrow Week of: November 2017

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1 Mrs. McMorrow Week of: November 2017
November has been a great month for us to be thankful! We recognized and honored our Veterans this month with our whole school assembly. Thank you all Veterans for serving and attending! November introduced a few brand new concepts! We focused the beginning of the month on adding with numbers up to 1,000. We then dove into telling time to the nearest minute and elapsed time! Check out the Seesaw feed or website for some videos! We continued on our Whose Story Is It unit focusing on different perspectives and points of view - both in stories and in real life with non-fiction topics. We have explored the topic of Pilgrims and Native Americans to learn this skill! In spelling, we have introduced the vowel consonant e syllable (v-e) that makes the vowel long like in cake or volume. We have wrapped up our unit on Plainville in Social Studies. Next, we will learn about the history of Massachusetts! We have continued studying motion in Science! We completed out first STEM activity this month! The whole third grade had to explore, design, and problem solve during multiple STEM tasks based on the Pilgrims and Native Americans. Check Facebook, my website, or Seesaw for some pictures! Students wrote the beginning of a story about being alone in the Jackson School as a narrative writing task! Look for it coming home soon! Also, we started focusing on expository writing. We are writing paragraphs on the topic of Pilgrims! Please Remember: If you plan on inviting students to a party at school, all students in the class must be invited. If not, please send invitations outside of school ` Thank you!

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