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Framing Education as a Public Good

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Presentation on theme: "Framing Education as a Public Good"— Presentation transcript:

1 Framing Education as a Public Good
Fernando Reimers

2 Three Contributions… Ideas Matter to Public Education Ideas are Developed through Dialogue Value of Global Coallitions to Advance Public Education

3 Three Important Ideas…
professional and trade interests of educators are intertwined collaborative government-union approaches to strengthening education are more productive efforts to strengthen the teaching profession should be aligned with an ambitious vision of environmental sustainability, human rights, democracy and social justice

4 A little history



7 1802, first public office to oversee education
1828 Ministry of public instruction



10 US Illiteracy Rates (%) for 14 years and older

11 Universal Declaration of Human Rights






17 1) public education was not built in a day, or even in a few years, it is a historical project that spanned multiple generations, 2) it was a project that was simultaneously about educational ideas about purpose, content and method, and a political project of mobilization of support, 3) the project has had detractors and different points in history, and most importantly, that the project is not over, it is up to us to define the course of this project over the next century.

18 Seven Challenges to Public Education

19 Ideology

20 Economic Adjustment. Inequality

21 USA Educational Attainment 25 years and over

22 Rise Democratic Expectations

23 Expanding Aspirations
From Access to Learning Outcomes Expanding Definitions of Literacy Expanding Expectations of Agency

24 Expanding Aspirations
Lorin Anderson 1990 Benjamin Bloom 1956

25 Reading literacy: An individual’s capacity to: understand, use, reflect on and engage with written texts, in order to achieve one’s goals, to develop one’s knowledge and potential, and to participate in society.

26 PISA Literacy Studies

27 Mathematical literacy: An individual’s capacity to identify and understand the role that mathematics plays in the world, to make well-founded judgements and to use and engage with mathematics in ways that meet the needs of that individual’s life as a constructive, concerned and reflective citizen.

28 Scientific literacy: An individual’s scientific knowledge and use of that knowledge to identify questions, to acquire new knowledge, to explain scientific phenomena, and to draw evidencebased conclusions about science-related issues, understanding of the characteristic features of science as a form of human knowledge and enquiry, awareness of how science and technology shape our material, intellectual, and cultural environments, and willingness to engage in science-related issues, and with the ideas of science, as a reflective citizen.

29 Transformation of Work

30 The best way to predict the future… is to create it. Peter Drucker.
The best way to predict educate for the future… is to create educate to invent it.

31 Innovation

32 Demography


34 608,783,000 Children 5-9 years old

35 608,783,000 Children 5-9 years old

36 608,783,000 Children 5-9 years old


38 As people are living longer they will need to develop new skills for a long life, including managing their health and learning to learn And we will want and need to learn throughout life.

39 Professional Substantive Conversation
Curriculum, Pedagogy, Learning and Teaching

40 Knowledge and Skills about the World and Globalization
Global Competence Labor Force with High Levels of Educational Attainment Internationally Competitive Curriculum World Standards

41 Economic Risks Food price volatility Oil price spikes
Major Fall in the US$ Slowing Chinese economy (<6%) Fiscal crises Asset price collapse Retrenchment from globalization (developed) Retrenchment from globalization (emerging) Burden of regulation Underinvestment in Infrastructure

42 Geopolitical Risks International terrorism Nuclear proliferation Iran
North Korea Afghanistan Instability Transnational crime and corruption Israel-Palestine Iraq Global governance gaps

43 Environmental Risks Extreme weather Drought and Desertification
Water Scarcity National Catastrophes (cyclone) National Catastrophes (earthquakes) National Catastrophes (island flooding) National Catastrophes (coastal flooding) Air pollution Biodiversity loss

44 Societal Risks Pandemic Infectious disease Chronic Diseases
Liability Regimes Migration

45 Technological Risks Critical information infrastructure breakdown
Nanoparticle toxicity Data fraud/loss

46 A world of empowered global citizens
Imagine… A world of empowered global citizens

47 Standing on the shoulders of giants…

48 To help the young…

49 Invent the Future

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