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Jacksonian Democracy.

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1 Jacksonian Democracy

2 Who was Andrew Jackson? Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States. Prior to becoming President he was a military commander in the Battle of New Orleans Jackson’s strongest support when running for President came from the West and South. Nicknamed “Old Hickory,” was seen as the first presidential candidate to rise from the masses.

3 Jackson’s Election Though Andrew Jackson first ran for Presidency in 1824, Jackson only won Presidency in He ran against John Q. Adams, who was running for reelection. By Jackson’s second try for Presidency, most states had dropped the land requirement to vote. New voters mainly voted for Jackson, the “people’s champion.”

4 Jackson’s Election… Continued
Jackson the “people’s champion…” First president from the West Seen as Frontiersman Seemed to have risen from the masses: born in a log cabin; no college education, otherwise had little schooling. Ran campaign that made him appeal to the the popular vote: Adams was seen as aristocrat, Jackson, on the other hand, would be the change necessary to fix the mistakes John Q. Adams made.

5 Jackson’s First Term Spoils System
Andrew Jackson was known, among other things, as the one to really use the spoils system. The Spoils System is when campaign supporters are awarded with government posts. Jackson justified his position on the grounds that it brought new blood in and power should be with the people. Though some scandals with this system on appointing of offices, loyalties in separate political parties became stronger. Unlike previous presidents, who had more diverse Cabinets, Jackson’s was mostly composed of friends and supporters. Jackson mostly used this “Kitchen Cabinet” as his sole source of advice.

6 The Nullification Crisis
Caused mainly by the Tariff of 1828, also known as the “Tariff of Abominations,” which protected northern manufactures from other countries goods. South believed that this showed favoritism towards the North. Jackson did not repeal it when he took office South then began to take action, especially the state of South Carolina.

7 The South Carolina Exposition
Published in 1828, and written anonymously by John C. Calhoun, Andrew Jackson’s Vice-President. Like the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions asserting states rights, also using Compact Theory. Unlike the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, suggesting that South Carolina should not obey tariff, and that all southern states should not consider it legal within in their states: null.

8 Jackson’s Reaction Issued Nullification Proclamation: states did not have the power to nullify federal laws. Jackson’s Force Bill, which stipulated that force might be used to collect tariffs from offenders, was repealed by the Compromise Tariff of 1833.

9 Jackson vs. The Bank of the United States
Set precedents with how he dealt with the Bank of the United States. Did not veto charter renewal for the Bank based on whether or not it was Constitutional Vetoed Bank charter because of personal beliefs.

10 Jackson Vs. The Bank This veto made it that presidential power increased: President’s power equaled that of the legislative branch majority that passed the bill Following the end of the bank, Jackson began Specie Circular, which meant that all land to be purchased with hard currency (not loans).

11 The Trail of Tears The Indian removal policy is perhaps what Jackson is best known for Removal of more than 100,000 Indians The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Cherokee, and Seminole tribes were moved. There had been previous treaties with the Indians concerning land.

12 The Trail of Tears Fueled by citizens want for more land
Jackson supported it to both help the Indians and gain land. Treaties made before between the federal government and the Indians did not apply. A rebellion occurred, however, it was crushed when Seminole rebellion leader was captured while asking for truce A Cherokee tribe tried to fight using the legal system: the Cherokee Nation against Georgia Case and Worcester against Georgia Case.

13 Jacksonian Democracy Andrew Jackson was reelected in 1832 when Henry Clay ran against him Following Jackson’s second term as president, Martin Van Buren ran as the Democratic-Republican candidate and won: the candidate Jackson backed. Martin Van Buren, not as popular as Jackson, was guided by basically the same beliefs and Jackson himself. However, was not reelected due to the Divorce Bill Van Buren passed to try to fix the Panic of However, the Divorce Bill, designed to take government money out of failing banks only made the economy worse. William Henry Harrison, of the Whig party won.

14 Under Jackson’s Presidency…
Spoils System Tariff of 1832 The Nullification Crisis Compromise Tariff of 1833 Bank War Indian Removal spoils system, in U.S. history, the practice of giving appointive offices to loyal members of the party in power Tariff of 1832: “The Protectionist Tariff” was meant to solve the conflict created by the Tariff of 1828 (which had protected the industrial north), but the 1832 tariff didn’t provide enough relief for the south so it lead to the Nullification Crisis. Nullification Crisis: South Carolina responds to tariffs by nullifying them and declaring them unconstitutional. Compromise Tariff of 1833: Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun proposed this as a resolution to the Nullification Crisis. The tariff was designed to reduce the rates again after the pressure from the South Bank War: The battle over re-chartering the Second Bank of the United States- Jackson Indian Removal:



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