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Year Two Welcome Meeting 2017-18.

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Presentation on theme: "Year Two Welcome Meeting 2017-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year Two Welcome Meeting

2 Welcome from all of us! Miss Saron Mr Aonso Miss Hulet Mr Lopez
Miss McCormack Miss Keyte Mrs Day Mrs Dutton Miss Barrow Miss Gregory

3 Superskills We introduced the children to ‘Superskills’ for learning 4 years ago and they have become a part of our daily learning discussions. The skills we use are: CONFIDENT RISK TAKER PERSEVERE CREATIVE RESOURCEFUL COMMUNICATE CURIOUS REFLECTIVE COLLABORATE MAKE CONNECTIONS

4 Growth Mindset At Park Hill Infants we have been deepening our understanding of how learning works and how we learn best to improve our ability and achieve our goals. We use the term “having a ‘Growth Mindset’” when discussing this with the children. This week your child’s home learning will include an activity based around positivity in learning. We encourage you to use these types of responses when working with your child as research shows great improvement in self-confidence and motivation when using a ‘Growth Mindset’.

5 SATs May 2018 Teacher Assessment Age related expectation
A high percentage of children achieve above or significantly above age related expectations.

6 Interventions in Year 2 Support will be given to children who are not currently ‘on track’ to achieve the expected standard in English and Maths, as well as enrichment for those who would benefit from further extension. All children’s progress is rigorously tracked by class teachers, middle and senior leaders in the school. Appropriate support for all children will be put in place, both in and out of lesson time.

7 Maths Practical based learning
Teaching of transferable skills not just remembering isolated facts Problem solving; trial and error, reasoning Understanding why and how results occur Maths Challenge

8 Important number skills
For calculations In Year Two…

9 Commutative law Age related expectation

10 Number bonds -10,-20,-100 Age related expectation

11 Reasoning Age related expectation

12 Place Value and partitioning
Age related expectation

13 Balancing number sentences (equations)
Greater Depth for KS1

14 Possibility and Trial and Improvement
Greater Depth for KS1

15 Systematic Problem Solving
Greater Depth for KS1

16 English The importance of Phonics
Reading – skills and age related expectation Spelling practice Writing expectations Examples of work

17 Phonics – Key Stage 1 Children are taught phonics from when they start in Reception. At Park Hill Infants we base our phonics teaching on letters and Sounds and use the Jolly Phonics songs and actions in EYFS, and Year One as an additional aid to help learn the letters and sounds. However by Year 2 we use a wide range of teaching methods to revise the phonics they have learnt and focus on Phase Six phonics (alternative sounds/patterns). In Year 1, children completed a National Phonics Screening Check. The benchmark score for this test was to successfully read 32 of the 40 words. Any children who did not reach that benchmark, have been put into intervention groups to support them further this year. They will be re-tested in Summer 2018.

18 Reading In Year Two we aim for all children to be choosing their own reading book by the end of the Spring term. Reading for pleasure is key in order for your child to engage with texts and achieve the expected standard for KS1. It is advised that a fluency rate of around 90 words per minute is equal to the expectation. It is important to ask open questions and have discussions about events and characters in fiction books. (Child reading at the Age related Expected Standard)

19 (e.g. -ing, -ness, -ed, -ful)
Spelling Children should know letters primarily by their sounds and in Year 2, we revise and focus on a range of alternative pronunciations, spelling patterns, tricky words and adding suffixes. (e.g. -ing, -ness, -ed, -ful) Some of these spelling patterns will form part of the children’s weekly spelling practice. We expect all children to practise the differentiated spellings, completing each section carefully. They should be handed in every Thursday and they will have a weekly ‘Spell Check’ on these words. Children are then given the opportunity to put these spellings into practice in their writing. There is a topic based writing challenge at the end of their weekly home school learning to write about a particular theme or genre using the words and skills which they have learnt that week.

20 age related expectation

21 age related expectation

22 Greater Depth for Key Stage One

23 SAT’s - in Key Stage 1 SAT’s are National Standard Assessment Tests, which all Year 2 children are required to take in May of each academic year. Low key approach - so that children are not unsettled by the thought of “tests” at this young age. The results of these tests, which are assessed and levelled by the school, are reported to the local authority. The results are then used to compare our school nationally. The test score is coupled with in-depth Teacher Assessment in order to gain a fair and accurate level of attainment for every child and these results are passed on to the Junior School in the transition process.

24 Home – school learning folders:
Reading Books: Children take home two reading books per week. Your child’s reading target will be noted in their reading contact book. We encourage the children to write in their Reading Diary rather than the adult so that they can reflect on their own reading and make comments as independent readers. Home – school learning folders: Children will receive their new spellings to learn on Fridays. These will be inside their home learning folder. They will then have a ‘Spell Check’ test the following Thursday. Children must hand in their home learning folder on Thursdays so that their new spellings and learning challenges can be put in ready to take home on Friday.

25 Cross Curricular Project:
Home-school Learning Maths Challenge: Each week Mrs Parry will upload a maths challenge onto the Year 2 Maths Challenge Fronter room. This is an optional task which your child can attempt at home and bring into school. Maths will also be incorporated form time to time into the weekly Home Learning Challenge which we send home. Cross Curricular Project: Each half term we will be giving the children an extra special Topic based learning challenge/project. This will need to be completed and will become your child’s ‘presentation’ which they will have the opportunity to share with their class.

26 PE Children will have an indoor and outdoor PE session each week. All children will be expected to take part wearing the correct kit. Some PE ‘fitness’ sessions will be of a higher intensity and your child will be expected to take part in all activities to the best of their ability! PE kits need to remain in school and will only be sent home by the teacher as and when required. Please ensure all kit is labelled clearly with your child’s name. All of Year 2 have their outdoor PE session on a Wednesday afternoon.

27 Useful websites… Fronter
(Research topics and play games across the curriculum) (DfE website with updates about any KS1 assessment and national curriculum) (Subject rooms to learn more about objectives from the curriculum) (information for parents) (Maths problem solving investigations) (Maths and Literacy games) (information about phonics and how to say the sounds)

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