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Pathways, CTE and the California Career Pathway Trust Grant (CCPT)

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Presentation on theme: "Pathways, CTE and the California Career Pathway Trust Grant (CCPT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pathways, CTE and the California Career Pathway Trust Grant (CCPT)
Counselors and Curriculum Workshop November 9, 2016 Jewyl Clarke San Diego County Office of Education

2 Regional Vision for Pathways
The county’s career pathways will offer academically challenging technical courses and programs that are comprehensive and future- oriented, responsive to student, parent, community & workforce development needs, and proven to positively affect student achievement.

3 Framing Pathways Your Career Starts Here Success in the New Economy
What does Career Technical Education look like now?

4 Labor Market Information
San Diego County Region Middle-skill jobs Top In-Demand Middle Skill Occupations A few great resources that provide lots of info for counselor, teacher or student use

5 Pathways go beyond k-12 My Workforce Connection
Dual Enrollment Web Resources

6 California Career Pathways Trust
A program for regional pathway enhancement

7 Grant overview $13 million regional (San Diego County) grant
Three-year grant + sustainability year (ends June 30, 2019) Industry Sectors: Adv. Manufacturing Information Communication Technologies Clean Energy 15 School Districts, Momentum Learning(JCCS), and 1 Charter School 5 Community College Districts: San Diego, MiraCosta, Palomar, Southwestern, Grossmont-Cuyamaca


9 Progress Update ~12,000 students enrolled in CCPT Career Pathways
58% were in their 1st year, 24% were in their 2nd, 12% 3rd 46% ICT, 40% Adv. Manufacturing, 14% Clean Energy industry sectors ~4,400 WBL student experiences 65% of districts used funds to purchase equipment for their career pathway programs 35% of districts used funds for professional learning ~30% of districts used funds for curriculum development

10 Progress Update Integrated Curriculum Work-Based Learning
Support for teachers (SDCOE), Project Based Learning Professional Learning (Buck Institute/SDCOE), Career Pathway Leadership Academy (CDE), Pathway Development Tool (SDCOE), Master Schedule Support (SDCOE) Work-Based Learning ePortal - Intermediary support, regional consistency, District Liaison between Intermediaries and Teacher (SDCOE) Support/Transition Regional Counselor Conference (CC), Pathway Curriculum Alignment HS/CC, AB288 Dual Enrollment Resources, CATEMA training for districts

11 Work based learning/eportal
Objective: To connect students to industry through meaningful WBL experiences The regional ePortal is a tool to support greater WBL opportunities for students Accessible resources available at Essential Skills Curriculum Resources Day in the Life Videos

12 Questions? Thankyou! Brian Butler CTE District Advisor
Margie de Ruyter Coordinator, CCPT Grant Jewyl Clarke CCPT Curriculum Specialist Jennifer Lewis Work-Based Learning District Liaison

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