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Elaine Wilson. Very early adopters! Knowledge Technology Pedagogy Teachers are expert professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "Elaine Wilson. Very early adopters! Knowledge Technology Pedagogy Teachers are expert professionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elaine Wilson

2 Very early adopters!


4 Knowledge Technology Pedagogy Teachers are expert professionals

5 Knowledge What do you teach? To enable students to access Codified knowledge about the natural world Why do you teach this? and also to help students to understand this knowledge and be able to think like a scientist. Solve problems, know what good and bad data are, work in teams and communicate ideas.


7 Pedagogy Knowing how to teach

8 Effective teaching and learning: evidence informed principles

9 Technology Digital Technology Broadcast TV Digital TV Internet / WWW Mobile telephones Handheld devices PCs /Laptops

10 Knowledge PCK Pedagogy PCK= Pedagogic Content Knowledge Knowledge of subject matter Knowledge of students understanding Knowledge of possible alternate conceptions about abstract ideas Knowledge of curricula Knowledge of scientific language

11 Knowledge Technology Using technology to access knowledge For example: searching online Also: Knowledge which is accessed on line can be linear but is also in hypertext format


13 Earthquake off Samoa Generates Tsunami Posted October 23, 2009

14 Royal Naval Logs The Beagle


16 Do we teach our students how to make judgements about the validity of the information they are accessing on line and in the media?




20 TechnologyPedagogy Teaching students and teachers how to use ICT



23 Knowledge Technology Pedagogy Using technology to support science teaching


25 Barriers to extended use of ICT in schools Lack of time Lack of teacher confidence Lack of training Limited access to resources

26 Web 2.0 and ubiquity of the Internet but now also PCs and Office softwareHandheld devices

27 Becta, 2008


29 Mobile – cell phone users

30 Copyright © UCLES 2008 Students from the Royal Veterinary College in Tanzania

31 1. Collecting physical exam data in the field using Google s Open Data Kit 2. Recording sampling locations using Twidroid 3. Communicating with team members and RVC experts via Twitter, email, and Google Chat 4. Updating team blog using blogger

32 5. Quick Upload of data to Excel via XML 6. Paperless no need for printers etc 7. Able to communicate with whole team at once via Twitter 8. Able to receive input from world experts remotely 9. Could keep in contact with family, fellow students, and donors while in field

33 Copyright © UCLES 2008

34 WEB 2.0 Informal collaborative learning and free resources

35 Becta, 2008

36 The basic [idea] of the Web is that [of] an information space through which people can communicate, but communicate in a special way: communicate by sharing their knowledge in a pool. The idea was not just that it should be a big browsing medium. The idea was that everybody would be putting their ideas in, as well as taking them out. Tim Berners-Lee

37 Web 1.0Web 2.0 Personal websitesBlogging Britannica onlineWikipedia Domain name speculationSearch engine optimization PublishingParticipation Content management systemsWikis Directories (taxonomy)Tagging (folksonomy)

38 rch/documentation/customsearch/in dex.html


40 A teacher who could be replaced by a machine should be! Arthur C Clarke What are teachers for in the Information Society?

41 But ought we to give up outmoded practices?

42 Technology does not change practice. Teachers change practice as their knowledge, understanding, skills, beliefs and goals change.

43 Digital Literacy?


45 Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and create information using digital technology.

46 Becoming digitally literate requires that the learner: knows how to use digital tools is critical of how and when to use them is aware of the risks of working online Is prepared to share ideas.

47 Old pedagogyNew pedagogy Know as much as there is in the book and as much as the teacher says Decide on what to know and what to store Teacher passes on knowledge to the student Teacher helps students access, select, evaluate, organise and store information Students write on paper for the teacher to read Students write to disk or publish on the web Neat handwritten reportsProfessional looking printed documents Texts are setTexts are editable Students have limited choice of sourcesStudents personal choices are expected Students hide papers from each other and only allow teacher to read the paper Students exchange tips about editing and revising their work


49 Terima Kasih banyak-banyak

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