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The Human Immune System

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1 The Human Immune System

2 What is the immune system?
The body’s defense against disease causing organisms, malfunctioning cells, and foreign particles

3 Major Components First line of defense—attempts to keep pathogens out
Second line of defense---attacks pathogens that have invaded

4 The First Line of Defense
Enzymes in mouth Skin Mucus Stomach acid

5 The Second Line of Defense ~White Blood Cells~
white blood cells (WBCs) attack invaders WBCs normally circulate throughout the blood, but will enter the body’s tissues if invaders are detected Video

6 Other Cells of the Immune System
Macrophages: engulf and digest microorganisms and viruses T-cells: coordinate immune system and attack infected cells B-Cells: make antibodies (proteins that attach specific antigens)


8 Other responses Fever: T-cells send chemical signal to turn up temp slows growth of pathogen and increases B and T cells Memory B Cells: can produce B Cells to make enough antibodies in 3-4 days to protect you instead of 2 weeks

9 Challenges to the Immune System
Allergies: overreaction to antigen Autoimmune diseases: a disease which attacks the body’s own cells (rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and lupus) Cancer: when cells divide at an uncontrolled rate AIDS/HIV: destroys helper T-cells

10 Other Systems the Immune System works with
Skeletal– bone marrow produces white blood cells Circulatory System—transportation Integumentary system—skin All systems protected by immune system

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