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GOVERNEMENT OF ROMANIA Ministry of Administration and Interior

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1 GOVERNEMENT OF ROMANIA Ministry of Administration and Interior
National Agency of Civil Servants February 2007 4/15/2019

2 A brief presentation Facts and figures regarding the Romanian civil service NACS: who are we? NACS’ attributions NACS’ achievements in 2006 NACS’ strategic objectives for 2007 4/15/2019

3 Facts and figures about the Romanian civil service

4 Facts and figures about the Romanian civil service

5 Facts and figures about the Romanian civil service

6 Facts and figures about the Romanian civil service

7 Facts and figures about the Romanian civil service

8 Public Administration actors
Ministry of Administration and Interior Stakeholders: Central Unit for Public Administration Reform National Agency of Civil Servants National Institute of Administration 4/15/2019

9 NACS: who are we ? The National Agency of Civil Servants – NACS – was established in 2000 upon Law no. 188/1999 regarding the Statute of civil servants Initially subordinated to the Government, NACS was subsequently subordinated to the Ministry of Administration and Interior NACS was established to meet the need of creating and developing a professional, politically neutral and stable body of civil servants, as component of the public administration reform. NACS is directed by a President and a Vice-president NACS personnel: 91 employees (16 vacant positions) managing approximately Romanian civil servants 4/15/2019

10 NACS Attributions NACS attributions relate to the following fields:
The regulation of the civil service field The management of the civil service The professional training of the civil servants The management of programs in the field of civil service The monitoring and the control of the implementation of the civil service legislation The representation of the civil servants’interests. 4/15/2019

11 NACS achievements in 2006 (1)
1. Legal field Normative acts on: the salary rights of the civil servants for 2006 the National Manpower Plan for 2006 the modification and completion of Law no. 188/1999 on the Statute of civil servants the organization and the functioning of NACS the performance criteria for 2006 individual professional appraisa 2. HR field Strategies and policies Public Policy on the professional training of the civil servants Public Policy on the unitary pay system of the civil servants Strategy on the implementation of the unitary pay system of the civil servants Strategy on the development of the Romanian civil service Recruitment and selection 2860 notifications issued for occupying/transforming public positions 4/15/2019

12 NACS achievements in 2006 (2)
3. Monitoring and control 2210 petitions and memoirs received and solved 64 control actions carried out by NACS experts 4. Civil servants database Information on civil service and civil servants regularly updated 5. Foreign assistance and communication 1 Phare 2003 program concluded (Transparency and Ethics in the Civil service) 2 Phare 2004 program started (Implement civil service Reform, Modernising HR management in the Romanian civil service) 2 World Bank financed programs concluded or under going (Comparative study on the remuneration in the public and the private sector in Romania, Consultancy services for elaborating a unitary pay system for the civil servants) Manual on procedures on implementing the Code of Conduct produced and disseminated NACS’annual Report on civil service and civil service positions published and disseminated Web page of the institution modernized (including an English version) 4/15/2019

13 Strategic objectives for 2007
Implementing civil servants’ unitary pay system Updating the legal framework Strengthening NACS’ institutional capacity Developing NACS’ monitoring and control instruments Developing NACS’ integrated information system Improving NACS’ visibility 4/15/2019

14 Contact details Ciresica Lavinia Butiu
Coordinator of the Communication and Relations with Public Office Paula Ghitescu Head of Notifications Unit National Agency of Civil Servants No. 3, Smardan Street, Bucharest, 3rd sector, Romania 4/15/2019

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