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Class Rules and Procedures

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1 Class Rules and Procedures
Ms. Bowser

2 Why Should We Have Procedures in Our Classroom?
Procedures are a part of life. They allow complex operations to run smoothly with minimal confusion, low stress, and less wasted time. Airports Driving Restaurants Movies School Where else are procedures practiced?

3 Classroom Expectations
The atmosphere in this classroom will be formal and academic, but comfortable. Students will work hard, learn social studies, and enjoy the process. If a visitor walked into our classroom during the day, what should they see?

4 I expect students to do the following things to make sure the classroom runs smoothly:
Attend class, and arrive on time. Have materials ready when the bell rings. Listen when others are speaking. Follow directions the first time they are given. Get permission before speaking. Be polite and respectful toward each other. Stay on-task and focused on their work.

5 Class Rules Be prompt

6 Classroom Rules Be Prepared
This includes pencil, paper, notebook and other supplies

7 Class Rules Be Positive

8 Laziness gets nothing accomplished
Classroom Rules Be Productive Laziness gets nothing accomplished

9 Class Rules Be Polite

10 Discipline All bad actions have consequences.

11 Consequences Not following the rules and procedures will have consequences -First time there will be a warning -Second time you will be wrote up or lunch detention in my room -Third time you will be sent to the office immediately If you don’t agree with your consequence or there are any problems talk to me after class

12 Fair vs. Equal Equal means the Same
I will NOT be treating you the same way Being Fair means I will Do My Best to give each student what he/she needs to be Successful What you Need and what someone else needs may be very Different I will Always Try to be Fair but this means things won’t always feel Equal

13 Classroom Procedures When The Bell Rings
Class starts when the tardy bell rings that means get in your seat and start class When the bell rings all talking should stop. You should be working on your bell ringer

14 Classroom Procedures Tardiness Class
I will follow handbook rules on tardiness If you are tardy, enter the classroom quietly, pick up the daily handouts, and join in the classroom activities with minimal disruption Class

15 Daily Procedures Bell Ringer
There will always be a bell ringer. All bell ringers can be picked up on the table next to the door or it will be posted on the board or Smart Board When you finish your bell ringer please keep it on your desk because we will review all bell ringers If you finish early sit at your desk and read or do other work QUIETLY!!!

16 Classroom Procedures Absenteeism
If your absent it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get your make up work All you have to do is ASK or LOOK ON THE BOARD!

17 Classroom Procedures

18 Bathroom Daily Procedures
When the bell rings to change classes that is your time to go to your locker and use the bathroom. DON’T ASK TO USE THE BATHROOM ONCE CLASS STARTS,THE ANSWER WILL BE NO!

19 Classroom Procedures Calling Roll
I will take attendance during the bell ringer Absolutely no talking during roll call you don’t want to be counted absent

20 Classroom Procedures Pencil Sharpening
Sharpen your pencil before the bell rings and always have an extra sharpened pencil Ms. Bowser will have pencils but please give them back

21 Classroom Procedure Throwing Away Paper or Blowing Your Nose
If you need to throw away paper or blow your nose, wait until the lesson is finished or the end of class and ALWAYS ASK THE TEACHER! Throwing trash across the room is never acceptable If you think your going to need tissue get it at the beginning of class and keep at the table

22 Classroom Procedures Chromebooks
Chrome books are to be handled very carefully Each student will be assigned a number Chrome books are to be put in the cart properly and in the right spot

23 Classroom Procedures Your Work
Once you have completed any assignment these are the things you need to check for -Is my name on it? -Is the date on it? If your paper doesn’t have these two things… Guess what happens?

24 Classroom Procedures Your Work All work is to be turned into the tray!
Please do not put work on my desk. It is a black hole that will lose your work and most likely to never be seen again.

25 Classroom Procedures Your Work
Make sure your work is turned in on time Late work is unacceptable and could hurt your grade

26 Grumpy Cat has nothing Ms. Bowser!
Classroom Procedures When I’m Talking You Don’t Grumpy Cat has nothing Ms. Bowser!

27 Classroom Procedures Teacher’s Definition Talking(Verb):
Your mouth is moving and there is sound coming out. This includes talking to yourself, talking to somebody else, whispering, singing or sound effects

28 Classroom Procedures Talking in class has side effects

29 Classroom Procedures When is it appropriate to talk in class?
When you raise your hand or when I call on you Blurting out is NOT acceptable Questions need to be relevant to what we are discussing

30 Before you speak remember this:
Classroom Procedures Before you speak remember this: T- is it True? H- is it Helpful? I-is it Inspiring? N- is it Necessary? K-is it Kind?

31 Classroom Procedures What if the whole class is talking at the wrong time or too loud? Ms. Bowser will raise her hand and count to three. That is your cue to be quiet.

32 Classroom Procedures Talking Back My word is the final word
Talking back is unacceptable

33 Classroom Procedures When am I allowed to get out of my seat?
-If you ask permission -Don’t ask during a lesson, unless it’s an emergency

34 Classroom Procedures Exit Slips
Will be completed towards the end of class When finished all exit slips will be put in the trays

35 Classroom Procedures When it’s time to leave Push in chairs
I will let you know when its time to start packing 6th and 8th hour will put the chairs on the tables

36 Cellphones Absolutely no texting, talking or playing on your phone during class. All phones will be put in the container refusal will lead you to being sent to the principal

37 Groups What should my behavior be like in groups or partners?
G-give thoughtful feedback R-respect others& their thoughts O-on task all the time U-use soft voices P-participate actively S-stay with your group

38 Good Guy Jesus Says…

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