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FL DVR CBTAC Program Modules & Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "FL DVR CBTAC Program Modules & Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 FL DVR CBTAC Program Modules & Reporting

2 CBTAC Role Support entrepreneurs through all stages of business development, including: Identifying potential business concepts Conducting market research/feasibility studies Developing necessary business financials CSC

CBTAC Role, cont. Support entrepreneurs through all stages of business development, including: Analyzing SSA benefits Determining potential funding sources USING INFO TO WRITE BUSINESS PLANS, and… SECURE FUNDING!! CSC

4 CBTAC Training & TA Overview
3-day initial certification-level training Intensive training on all 4 modules Simulation activities for key areas of business plan development, including: Developing business financials Assessing feasibility Analyzing SSA benefits Writing business plans Completion of certification field assignment CSC

5 CBTAC Training & TA Overview
Ongoing follow-up support available as necessary by Center for Social Capital Regional on-site TA Individualized off-site TA e.g., phone, internet, IVocalize Quarterly Regional Networking Meetings CSC

6 When to Refer to a CBTAC Customer identifies interest in self-employment Customer presents a business concept to VR counselor Customer presents a business plan to counselor Customer wants to discuss/explore self-employment vs. wage employment

7 How CBTACs Can Support VR Counselors
Work with customers to: Determine if SE is a viable option Assess business concepts identified by customers Assess existing business plans (and provide support necessary to improve or develop further) Identify other funding sources Educate customer & team members about SE

8 CBTAC Responsibilities
Receive referral from VR counselor Conduct initial meeting with VR Customer Gather information Explain general process for self employment including the steps to develop a business plan Business Planning Team Development Assist VR Customer in developing a viable business plan by working through the modules Assist with implementation of business plan

9 CBTAC Responsibilities, cont.
Refer back to VR at any point in process if: Customer self-selects out Exploration process reveals SE not viable CBTAC invoices only for completed benchmarks Information learned during SE exploration used to support other job development efforts

10 CBTAC Responsibilities, cont.
Assess & plan for long-term support Identify follow-along funding (if necessary) Delineate support structures in plan Paid supports Natural supports Employees/services (e.g., accounting) Work with counselor to determine when case will close

11 CBTAC Responsibilities, cont.
Work with customer to assemble Business Development Team Critical for long-term support First step in SE process (may be ongoing throughout process as well)

12 Business Development Team
Membership could include: Family members and/or friends Provider agencies, State Agencies, CWICs Representatives from SCORE, SBA, etc. Accountants, lawyers Community Business Mentors (person running similar business) DVR Counselor Other Support Services

13 CBTAC Training & TA Modules

14 Initial Meeting Purpose Provide overview of SE process
Discuss advantages & disadvantages of both self- and wage-employment Consider potential team membership & supports Answer questions related to SE Determine if SE seems a viable option Evaluate whether to accept referral

15 Initial Meeting Report
Summary of meeting, including: Who attended Topics discussed Evaluation on the viability of self-employment at this time (and explanation) Acceptance or rejection of referral Explanation as to why/why not you are accepting the referral Summary of Next Steps

16 Module 1: Business Concept Development
Training Person-Centered Planning Discovery Identification of potential business concepts Implementation PCP/Discovery/exploration process & action planning Researching potential business concepts

17 Module 1: Report Summary of:
Discovery activities Person-Centered Planning Business concepts to be explored Identification of team members participating in meeting(s) Action Plans from meeting(s)

18 Module 2: Market Research & Benefits Analysis
Training Purpose of Market Research Forms of Market Research Overview of Benefits & Work Incentives Implementation Honing of business concept Development of Market Research Action Plan Benefits Analysis (connect w/ CWIC)

19 Module 2 Report Summary of market research efforts
Summary of team meetings, team members involved, etc. Identification of business concept Update on benefits analysis Referred to CWIC, list of benefits received, etc. Action plan from meeting(s)

20 Module 3: Marketing & Business Financials- Training
Developing Marketing Plans Customers (Target Market), Competition, Competitive Edge, etc. SWOT Analysis Strategies for marketing (pricing & positioning, advertising, etc.) Business Financials Start-Up and Operating Costs Cash-Flow & Balance Sheets Profit & Loss Statements Break-Even Analysis

21 Module 3: Marketing & Business Financials- Implementation
Development of Marketing Plan Completion of Business Financials

22 Module 3: Report Summary of: Overview of business financials
Market characteristics Key marketing strategies Overview of business financials Start-up costs, P&L, CF, etc. Action plans from meeting(s) Update on benefits analysis *Submit initial list of key start-up items… never too early to begin the search for Vendors!!

23 Module 4: Business Plan Development
Training Business structure (sole-proprietorship, LLC, etc.) Management Summary Operations Summary Resources available to support SE Implementation Completion of Business Plan Include all supports needed & how they will be provided

24 Module 4 Report Summary of operations plan Description of team
How all components of day to day operations will be supported E.g, what needs to be done on a day to day basis & who will meet the need Overview of plan for long-term support Implementation hours requested Final update on benefits analysis Description of any additional start-up costs identified

25 CBTAC Benchmark Rates Initial Meeting $300
Module 1 – Business Concept Development $1750 Module 2 – Market research & Benefits Awareness $600 Module 3 – Marketing & Finance Module 4 – Business Plan Development Completed Business Plan $2000 Business Plan Implementation – per hour $39

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