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“Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry” Written by John McMurry

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1 “Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry” Written by John McMurry
Chapter 1 Introduction What is the Goal of Bilingual Organic Chemistry Course By using new original teaching material About the Book: “Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry” Written by John McMurry 4 th edition The characteristics of the book: New organic chemistry knowledge Ex.: Reaction mechanisms and Organic Synthesis.

2 How to learn the course 2. Ball-stick molecular models
-ChemOffice:Chem3D ultra 3. Summary  -in a study – friendly format 4. Problems Visualizing Chemistry How to learn the course Believe in yourself Have hope for the future Never give up Edutainment making learning fun 寓教于乐 Professional knowledge and the ability

3 Reference: 1.John McMurry Organic chemistry 5th edition
3. T.W. Graham Solomons and 6th edition 4. Francis A. Carey Organic chemistry 4th edition 5. 王积涛主编《有机化学》

4 Organic Chemistry Introduction What is organic chemistry?
The study of carbon compounds P 1-2. Principle element: C Other elements: H, N, O, X, S, P, Si etc. Every living organism is made of organic chemicals. The proteins, the DNA, the food, the clothes, the medicines

5 What is studied from organic chemistry?
Compositions Structures Properties Reactions of organic compounds

6 Chemical Bonding Chapter 1 1.1 Structures and structural formulas of
organic molecules 1.1.1 Molecular formulas Structural formulas of organic molecules 1.2 Covalent bonds

7 1. 1 Structure and Structural Formulas of Organic Molecules
A molecule is made of atoms that are attached to one another. The order of attachment The atoms are interrelated and interact on each other 1.1.1 Molecular formulas Molecular formula represent the species and the number of the atoms which compose the molecule.

8 1.1.2 Structural formulas of organic molecules
Ex.: C2H6O Alcohol Dimethyl ether (二甲醚) CH3CH2OH CH3OCH3 Structural formulas of organic molecules The order of attachment of atoms in the Molecule. P15, 1.8 Ch. P2-3 Representation Dash formula(短线式): Condensed formula(缩简式): Bond-line formula(键线式): CH3CH2CH2CH3

9 1.2 Covalent bonds (P8, 1.5) Covalent bond is common nature
of all organic compounds. The covalent bond, a bond that results when atoms share electrons. Molecule: The neutral collection of atoms held together by covalent bonds. Keculé structure(价键式) Lewis structure Octet rule(八隅体规则) Out-most shell H: 2 electrons Others: 8 electrons The atoms achieve noble gas(惰性气体) configurations

10 Strength of covalent bonds
The structural character of carbon compounds: carbon atom with 4 bonds The properties of covalent bonds:(Ch. P6) Bond lengths(nm) : Average distances between atoms Bond angles P15, 1.5 Chemical energy or Potential energy (键能) Strength of covalent bonds Formation of covalent bond releases energy Broken of covalent bond absorbs energy. Polarity(极性) of the bond Electronegativity Dipole moment(偶极矩) (μ): (D)

11 Weymouth, Massachusetts, and received his Ph.D. at
Gilbert Newton Lewis Gilbert Newton Lewis ( ) was born in Weymouth, Massachusetts, and received his Ph.D. at Harvard in1899. After a short time as professor of chemistry at MIT.( ).He spent the rest of career at the Univ. of California at Berkeley ( ) Structural theory Prepared D2O

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