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9th Grade Lit. Assignment

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1 9th Grade Lit. Assignment
February 13, 2019

2 Vocabulary Terms Add the following vocabulary words to your composition notebook section for Romeo & Juliet. There may be multiple meanings for a word, so find the meaning of each word as it relates to the text: fair (adj) chastity (n.) siege (n.) assailing (v.) posterity (n.) forsworn (v.) passing (adv.)

3 Independent Practice Read Act 1 Scene 1 starting on page 814 line 201 – page 815 and answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper: How does Shakespeare use imagery in lines to describe the woman Romeo loves in lines? How do Shakespeare’s specific word choices in lines 210–212 develop Romeo’s attitude toward the woman he loves? How does Romeo’s attitude toward the woman he loves develop a central idea in the text? Why does Romeo believe that she “makes huge waste”?

4 Independent Practice (continued)
5. What advice does Benvolio give Romeo? 6. How does Shakespeare use figurative language to develop Romeo’s ideas about beauty in lines 225– 233? (There are two answers here) 7. How does Romeo’s response to Benvolio’s advice develop a central idea?

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