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Nicole Stodola, Chris Pederson and Gerry Finlay

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1 Nicole Stodola, Chris Pederson and Gerry Finlay
Curling Coach Nicole Stodola, Chris Pederson and Gerry Finlay WELCOME TO THE CURLING COACH demonstration!!! Introductions of team members. Group 15

2 Project Motivation Chris and Nicole have 40+ years of combined curling experience Most important aspect of a curling delivery is level shoulders Improvement to the standard way of delivery verification When first discussing project ideas and group members Nicole and Chris decided to design a project that involved their love of the sport of curling. With our more than 40 years of combined curling experience we decided to design and develop a system that would help improve a curlers delivery slide from the hack. The current technologies use several video cameras and multiple targets to track the curlers body position while sliding from the hack. The main disadvantage here is the lack of real time feedback while the curler is in mid slide. As it is, the curler slides while being recorded and then has to leave the ice to watch the video and relies on the coach to say if there was a problem but the curler doesn't know the exact moment or cause of any problems. The "Curling Coach" was designed to provide this real time feedback.

3 Project Successes The project uses an off the shelf digital camera that has the ability to output NTSC video via an RCA plug. The camera is connected to the DE2 main board where the video frames are analyzed and displayed onto a VGA monitor. The curler receives audio and visual cues that an error has occurred in their slide when the video processing core detects a sufficient vertical deviation in the curlers shoulder level. This instant feedback will benefit curlers because they will be able to feel the moment a deviation occurs and what caused it so they can correct the problem rather than having to wait to watch a video recording and having the coach indicate that a problem occurred at some point leaving the curler to try to figure it out as to why it happened in the first place. Connection of the digital camera to the board using NTSC. Output of the video onto the VGA monitor

4 System Block Diagram Video In (Camera) Image Processing (VHDL)
Video Out (VGA Monitor) Switches/Buttons (DE2 Board) Software (μCOS Task) Audio Out (Speakers) (DE2 Board) System Block diagram -talk about data flow through system Green LEDS Red LEDS LCD

5 System Block Diagram Video In (Camera) Image Processing (VHDL)
Video Out (VGA Monitor) Switches/Buttons (DE2 Board) Software (μCOS Task) Audio Out (Speakers) (DE2 Board) System Block diagram -talk about data flow through system Green LEDS Red LEDS LCD

6 Image Processing - Block Diagram
From camera To VGA Mode? Configuration Mode Avalon-ST Interface Tracking Mode Avalon-ST Interface Mode Register Alert Register Red Register Configuration mode Replaces each pixel which satisfies RGB criteria with white pixel. Ensures that tracking mode can keep a good lock on targets. Tracking mode Tracks two targets (left and right shoulder), one in each active region. Monitors for deviation in their y coordinate. Green Register Blue Register CPU Avalon-MM Slave Interface

7 Image Processing - Target Tracking Algorithm
Left active region Right active region Scan

8 Image Processing - Target Tracking Algorithm
Left active region Right active region Save targets position

9 Image Processing - Target Tracking Algorithm
Left active region Right active region Scan

10 Image Processing - Target Tracking Algorithm
Left active region Right active region Scan

11 Image Processing - Target Tracking Algorithm
Left active region Right active region Scan

12 Image Processing - Target Tracking Algorithm
Left active region Right active region Scan

13 Image Processing - Target Tracking Algorithm
Left active region Right active region Scan

14 Image Processing - Target Tracking Algorithm
Left active region Right active region Save target position

15 Image Processing - Target Tracking Algorithm
Left active region Right active region Calculate difference in positions. Update alert register. position delta > threshold, write to alert register for software to read

16 System Block Diagram Video In (Camera) Image Processing (VHDL)
Video Out (VGA Monitor) Switches/Buttons (DE2 Board) Software (μCOS Task) Audio Out (Speakers) (DE2 Board) System Block diagram -talk about data flow through system Green LEDS Red LEDS LCD

17 Image Processing - Software
Mode Register Red Register Green Register Blue Register Alert Register Mode switch Red Value Green Value Blue Value Alert Value Red Button +/- Alert Logic Green Button Speakers Blue Button Up/Down Button Count Mode System Block diagram -talk about data flow through system LCD LEDS

18 Challenges The first challenge that the team encountered was the decisions related to how to create and recognize the two targets. In the end, we decided that using rectangular shaped, green coloured targets made from painters tape was be the best and easiest to implement The second challenge that the team encountered was selecting and successfully connecting the many modules that would eventually be required to implement the video input, processing and video output along with interfacing the audio output hardware. The second challenge that we encountered was the touch screen menu implementation. The main issue that was encountered was trying to interface a relatively poorly documented device such as the Terasic LCD module into the DE2 project. While initial attempts were marginally successful, time proved to be the downfall of this portion of the project. We then looked into the possibility of using the LCD module instead of the VGA monitor, however we found that this would require the use of the clocked video output to drive the LCD which wouldn't interface properly into our project without having to rewrite the entire project. The final challenge that we faced was the pin that the DE2 uses for the CLOCK_27 pin resulted in the target overlay video output being jittery. This resulted in the targets being randomly displayed in the output video stream. The solution was to re-route the clock signal to a secondary pin which solved the video jittering. It also resulted in challenges to clock the audio output chip which relies on this original clock pin for its timing.

19 Future Improvements Future improvements for the project include continuing research into the implementation of the LCD module to create a touch screen menu and video output. This would make the system more user friendly and portable. The inclusion of additional targets to track the rock position during the delivery and the curlers trailing leg would ensure that the curler is sliding from the hack in a straight line towards the camera. We would also like to implement the ability to save the video stream onto a SD memory card for later playback.

20 Test Plan The test plan of the system included the testing of each VHDL block of the system. Once the block had been tested and proved to be working, it was implemented into the main project. For the image processing block, testing had to ensure that the correct targets were identified and successfully marked. Later, functionality was added that properly calculated the X and Y coordinates of the target pixels and that these values could be written and read from the systems registers. Tests for this included polling the registers to check that correct values are written and read from the registers. We then added the audio module that would play an alarm the instant a deviation in the Y coordinate occurred. Testing for this component involved tracking the two targets and tilting them to induce an error to ensure that the audio core functioned properly and the image processing core detected the target deviation.

21 Curling Coach Initial Testing
The next step was to live trial the project in a curling rink with curlers to ensure that the lighting, temperature and environmental factors would not adversely affect the hardware. We then had Nicole make several slides to see if the system would function as predicted.

22 Live Demonstration

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