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A.) Consider the frictionless pulley that has two masses hanging over each side. What will happen to the apparatus if the blocks are released from rest?

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Presentation on theme: "A.) Consider the frictionless pulley that has two masses hanging over each side. What will happen to the apparatus if the blocks are released from rest?"— Presentation transcript:

1 a.) Consider the frictionless pulley that has two masses hanging over each side. What will happen to the apparatus if the blocks are released from rest?

2 a.) Consider the frictionless pulley that has two masses hanging over each side. What will happen to the apparatus if the blocks are released from rest? If the green block is 3 kg and the blue block is 1 kg, calculate that acceleration. 3 kg 1 kg

3 Hint: set up a Net Force problem. Label the direction of your forces.
a.) Consider the frictionless pulley that has two masses hanging over each side. What will happen to the apparatus if the blocks are released from rest? Hint: set up a Net Force problem. Label the direction of your forces. Are these forces acting with or against each other? 3 kg 1 kg

4 A 20. 0 kg mass sits on a tabletop
A 20.0 kg mass sits on a tabletop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the tabletop and the mass is 0.25. 20.0 kg It is attached to a 12.5 kg mass that is hung over a massless pulley by a string. 12.5 kg What is the acceleration of the system?


6 a.) Consider the frictionless pulley that has two masses hanging over each side. What will happen to the apparatus if the blocks are released from rest? If the green block is 3 kg and the blue block is 1 kg, calculate that acceleration. 3 kg 1 kg

7 b.) Now calculate the Tension in the string
FT FT – mg = - ma 3 kg a mg To do this, let’s consider the forces on ONE of the blocks 3 kg

8 b.) Now calculate the Tension in the string
FT FT – mg = + ma a 1 kg mg Now, let’s consider the OTHER block 1 kg


10 A 20. 0 kg mass sits on a tabletop
A 20.0 kg mass sits on a tabletop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the tabletop and the mass is 0.25. 20.0 kg It is attached to a 12.5 kg mass that is hung over a massless pulley by a string. 12.5 kg What is the acceleration of the system?

11 What is the Tension in the string?
A 20.0 kg mass sits on a tabletop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the tabletop and the mass is 0.25. 20.0 kg It is attached to a 12.5 kg mass that is hung over a massless pulley by a string. 12.5 kg What is the Tension in the string?


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