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Date Submitted: September 10, 2001

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1 Date Submitted: September 10, 2001
October, 2001 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: IEEE : A proposal to add geographical coverage based criteria to PNC selection. Date Submitted: September 10, 2001 Source: Shig Sugaya, Kaz Takamura, Masa Akahane Company: Sony Corporation Address: Higashi-Gotanda Oval Court 13F Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Japan Voice: , FAX: Re: [ P /D0.7] Abstract: This proposal presents defined Geographical Inquiry Process, Command sets and modified comparison order of fields that provide an accessible Device count for geographical coverage based PNC selection. Purpose: To provide an improvement to the current version of the MAC Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that these viewgraphs becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation

2 Assumptions on PNC Selection
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Assumptions on PNC Selection Exist two kind of PNC-Capable DEVs A DEV which wants to be a PNC A DEV which does NOT want to be a PNC PNC is selected among DEVs which want to be a PNC DEVs which do NOT want to be, or CANNOT be a PNC shall associate a Piconet by acquiring the Beacon “PNC-Capable” DEVs should NOT participate in PNC selection process if they are set “Abstain to be a PNC” S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

3 Case: Only 1 DEV wants to be PNC
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Case: Only 1 DEV wants to be PNC There is only be 1 DEV to be set as PNC Most cases all the DEVs to establish a Piconet are controlled by a single user Turn on a DEV which should be the PNC and wait for 1 second then turn on the other DEVs S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

4 Case: More than 2 DEVs want to be a PNC
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Case: More than 2 DEVs want to be a PNC There may exist multiple DEVs want to be a PNC In such a case multiple users want to establish an ad-hoc Piconet PNC selection process is started if all the applicable DEVs which want to be a PNC turn their power on within 1 second (It might be a rare case such as a recovery from power failure) If DEVs which want to be a PNC missed the association time window (“the” 1 second), they should associate the established Piconet as a “Loser” S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

5 Geographical Coverage Based PNC Selection Procedure
October, 2001 Geographical Coverage Based PNC Selection Procedure Current PNC Selection PNC PNC Good PNC Selection Bad PNC Selection Alternate PNC DEV Non-Alternate PNC DEV S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation

6 Geographical PNC Selection
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Geographical PNC Selection DEV that lost in Comparison does not participate in PNC Selection GI Process allows Alternate PNC in the center of Piconet to be selected as PNC Alternate PNC A Alternate PNC B Alternate PNC C Alternate PNC Announcement Alternate PNC A Alternate PNC B Alternate PNC C Geographical Inquiry Process Alternate PNC Announcement Alternate PNC Announcement PNC Announcement PNC Announcement Alternate PNC Announcement Beacon Transmit Beacon Transmit PNC Announcement PNC PNC Beacon Transmit Piconet #1 Piconet #2 ??? PNC Good Selection Piconet S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

7 Hidden (Alternate PNC)Node Handling
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Hidden (Alternate PNC)Node Handling GIP is the method to efficiently form the minimum Piconet required If Hidden (Alternate PNC) Node exists, the creation of some Piconets is allowed Alternate PNC 1 Alternate PNC 2 Alternate PNC 3 Alternate PNC 4 Alternate PNC 5 Non-Alternate PNC 6 Non-Alternate PNC 7 Non-Alternate PNC 8 DEV 1 PNC 2 DEV 3 PNC 4 DEV 5 DEV 6 DEV 7 DEV 8 S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

8 Basic Discovery Mechanism
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Basic Discovery Mechanism Adopt Inquiry transaction All DEVs (PNC Capable or Incapable) respond to the Geographical Inquiry Request (GI-Req) Alternate PNCs will count the number of nearby DEVs and compile their IDs, then broadcast the ID list of detected DEVs ID : 48bit IEEE802 address of a DEV DEVs that received this list broadcast a Geographical Inquiry Response (GI-Res) only when their own ID is not on the list S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

9 Geographical Inquiry Process (GIP)
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Geographical Inquiry Process (GIP) All Alternate PNCs broadcast GI-Req After the expiration of GI-Receive Timeout, update the DEV List and re-broadcast GIP is terminated if no response is received within the 2nd or later GI-Receive Timeout Non Alternate PNCs return only GI-Res Non Alternate PNCs check whether its own ID is on the DEV ID List when they receive GI-Req Broadcast GI-Res if its own DEV ID is NOT on the list No response is returned if its own DEV ID is on the list S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

10 Broadcast of DEV ID List
October, 2001 Broadcast of DEV ID List Alternate PNC DEV Non Alternate PNC DEV GI-Req (1st) GI-Receive Timeout GI-Res GI-Req (2nd) GI-Receive Timeout with Received DEV ID List GIP is terminated when there is no response received within GI-Receive Timeout At least two times of GI-Req shall be transmitted Alternate PNC determines Accessible DEVs by exchanging more than one GI-Res Other DEVs return at least one GI-Res Advantage: Broadcasting DEV ID List reduces the number of response traffics S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation

11 <August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 GI-Req Command Octets:2 2 6 6 x N Command Type Length DEV ID GI-Receive Timeout Number of Received DEVs Received DEV ID List Octets:6 ・・・ 6 Received DEV ID #1 Received DEV ID #N Figure tbd:GI-Request Command Set different GI-Receive Timeout for each DEV to avoid potential collisions Add received DEV ID List in GI-Req every time Cf) Maximum length (N=255) will be 1,544[Octets] GI-Receive Timeout should be indicated in K [micro sec] as well as CS Timeout S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

12 Figure tbd:GI-Res Command
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 GI-Res Command Octets:2 2 6 Command Type Length DEV ID Figure tbd:GI-Res Command GI-Res frame simply consists of Command Type, Length and DEV ID The probability of collisions decreases with random access method if the length of the frame is short S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

13 Potential Collisions in GIP
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Potential Collisions in GIP Avoid Collisions of GI-Req Set different Backoff for each DEV Retransmission can decrease the probability of collisions GIP is terminated if no response is received Recover from Collisions of GI-Res Detect collisions by checking whether its own DEV ID is on retransmitted device list (in GI-Req ) Broadcast GI-Res if its own DEV ID is NOT on the list GIP is terminated if its own DEV ID is on the list No response is returned if its own DEV ID is on the list S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

14 October, 2001 GI Process (Example 1) In case there are DEVs that one of the Alternate PNCs is out of reach GI-Res Time DEV #1 GI-Res DEV #2 GI-Req.-1 GI-Req.-2 DEV #3 #2,#4,#5 #1,#2,#4,#5 Alternate PNC GI-Req.-1 GI-Req.-2 #3 #3,#2,#5 DEV #4 Alternate PNC GI-Res DEV #5 Previous Step Random Back-off GI-Receive Timeout-3 GI-Receive Timeout-3 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 GI-Receive Timeout-4 GI-Receive Timeout-4 Next Action GI Process “Won by #3” S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation

15 (#2 & #3 can not see one another)
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 GI Process (Example 2) 3 Alternate PNCs with one hidden PNC GI-Res Time DEV #1 GI-Req-1 GI-Req.-2 #4,#5 Hidden #4 DEV #2 Alt PNC GI-Req.-1 GI-Req.-2 Hidden DEV #3 #4,#5 #4,#5,#1 Alt PNC GI-Req.-1 GI-Req.-2 #3 #3,#2,#5,#1 DEV #4 Alt PNC GI-Res DEV #5 I have removed the last APA for both dev 2 and dev 3 (as losing dev can stop when they know that they have lost Previous Step GI-Receive Timeout-3 GI-Receive Timeout-3 GI-Receive Timeout-2 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Random Back-off GI-Receive Timeout-2 GI-Receive Timeout-4 GI-Receive Timeout-4 GI Process Next Action (#2 & #3 can not see one another) “Won by #4” S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

16 How to set GI-Receive Timeout
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 How to set GI-Receive Timeout Guard Time Preamble PLPC Header MAC Header GI_Response Payload With Back-off Time GI Response Data Frame Length Assumed to be 200 [micro sec] GI Response #1 GI Response #2 GI Response #3 GI Response #254 Max.254 Devices GI Response Transfer 50.8 [msec] GI Request-1 GI Request-2 Alternate PNC Announcement (or GI Request-3) Randomize Receive GI-Timeout 50 [msec] <50 [msec] 50 [msec] Each device randomly sets up GI-Receive Timeout between 50 and 100[msec] Assume that GI_Response is 200[micro sec] For the maximum device number, i.e. 254 devices, 50.8[msec] is needed Randomize GI-Receive Timeout within twice the time allows collision avoidance The random factor is added only to the first internal Next GI-Receive Timeout interval is fixed at 50 [msec] S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

17 Time Required for Geographical Selection
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Time Required for Geographical Selection GI Req-1 GI Req-2 APA Alternate PNC 1 GI-Receive Timeout GI-Receive Timeout [msec] 50 [msec] GI Req-1 GI Req-2 APA Alternate PNC 2 GI-Receive Timeout GI-Receive Timeout [msec] 50 [msec] (GI-Receive Timeout) x 2 or 3 [msec] Piconet Established Time About 1[sec] PNC Selection Association Authentication GI Process 500 [msec] 500 [msec] Geographical Inquiry Process will be within twice or triple the GI-Receive Timeout Actual Geographical Inquiry Process will be finished within 100 to 250[msec] It can be included in PNC Selection, which is estimated to be over in 500[msec] S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

18 Add on Current PNC Selection
<August 2001> doc.: IEEE <01/304r2> October, 2001 Add on Current PNC Selection First Alternate PNC Broadcasts Alternate PNC Announcement Other Alternate PNC Broadcast Alternate PNC Announcement Comparison Order 1: Designated mode in capability field Comparison Order 2 : SEC bit in capability field Comparison Order 3 : Battery / AC power Comparison Order 4 : PS bit Geographical Inquiry Process Comparison Order 5 : MAX GTS slots Comparison Order 6 : Repeater memory Comparison Order 7 : Transmit Power Level Comparison Order 8 : MAX PHY rate Comparison Order 9 : DEV ID A Winner of among Alternate PNCs Broadcasts PNC Announcement First Beacon Transmission Add GIP on the current PNC Selection No need if a PNC has uniquely been determined in higher comparison If PNC has not uniquely been determined, enter GIP S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation Masa Akahane, Sony Corporation

19 Geographical Selection Comparison Order
October, 2001 Geographical Selection Comparison Order Geographical Selection is made in coordination with other devices Order 1-4 are the conditions for selecting PNC through coordinated operation with other devices Order 5-10 are those for selecting PNC within the device’s own ability S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation

20 Conclusion Provision Geographical Inquiry Process (GIP) is specified
October, 2001 Conclusion Provision There may exist DEVs which do NOT participate in the PNC selection process Geographical Inquiry Process (GIP) is specified All the DEVs send responses to the inquiry in order to report their existence (Alternate PNCs respond with GI-Req) Broadcast of Accessible DEV List efficiently reduces data exchange Reception of GI-Res is confirmed through the Accessible DEV List Best Alternate-PNCs in terms of geographical coverage are selected Estimate GI-Receive Timeout and Time Required for Geographical Selection S.Sugaya, K.Takamura, M.Akahane, Sony Corporation

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