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Partnering the process

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Presentation on theme: "Partnering the process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnering the process
Developing the strategy for communicating EU-funds in 2014+ 1

2 Two funds, one strategy Joint ESF-ERDF-communication
Specific ESF-communication Specific ERDF-communication 2 2

3 Internal Assessment 2007+ Communication strategy 2014+: beginning of process in May 2012 Assessment of communication plan for funding period Assessment of communication activities – very valuable: midterm assessment, annual report 3

4 Sparring partner wanted!
Partner: private communication agency Key role: coaching/ sparring partner/ moderator Project in two phases Phase one: Assessing the assessment (with third parties), conducted workshop on (re)creating communication plan, May 2012 Phase two: two coached workshops on communication strategy in October and December 2012 4

5 Coaching Phase one (Re)created communication plan/ strategy from scratch The „classical“ approach: SWOT-analysis Defining need for action: what external/ internal issues are relevant for communication on EU-funds Defining key objectives, target groups, messages, and actions (external and internal) 5

6 Coaching Phase two Workshop 1, October 2012: developed guiding principles (see next slide), assessment of relevant communication channels Homework for workshop 2: work out the details, write first draft Workshop 2, December 2012: final sparring and work on draft of communication strategy, check on application of guiding principles 6

7 Guiding principles Guiding principles for communication strategy 2014+: Strategic document focussing on both meeting communication needs in Saxony and being consistent with EU-regulation Strategy as framework for annual action plans Clearly defined key objectives, target groups, messages Definition of communication channels / tools according to key objectives Three qualitative principles: Connect activities: activities are no singular events Use snowball effect: activities create additional communication opportunities Create highlights each year 7

8 Timeline Mid-2012: beginning of process
Assessment communication 2007+ Drafting the communication concept from scratch October 2012: coaching/ workshop 1 October – November: work on first draft December 2012: coaching/ workshop 2 End of 2012: consolidated draft 2013: involving the members of the monitoring commitee As soon as operational programms have green light, proposal/ resolution in monitoring committee 8 8

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