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Warm up Find your Seat Clear your desk except for your Journal and something to write with. You will be taking a unit pre-assessment Notes: You have learned.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up Find your Seat Clear your desk except for your Journal and something to write with. You will be taking a unit pre-assessment Notes: You have learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up Find your Seat Clear your desk except for your Journal and something to write with. You will be taking a unit pre-assessment Notes: You have learned about plants producing their own food during elementary school. This engagement exercise is intended to regenerate prior knowledge and not to introduce new concepts.

2 Objective and goals 8/29/16 To go over Voc. word of the week.
To learn the new word of the week. To Pre-assess what we already know about photosynthsis To recognize that radiant energy from the Sun transforms into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis.

3 Vocabulary word of the week
Design- A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, cell, or other object before it is built/made or as is. "he has just unveiled his design for the new museum" synonyms: plan, blueprint, drawing, sketch, outline, map, plot, diagram, draft, representation, scheme, model When your teacher says go you will.. In table groups discuss how you think we design in science class

4 What do all these things have in common?

5 What do all these things have in common?
All photos are of plants. All the plants have green leaves. Plants make their own food. Plants are also known as producers They need water to grow They have roots They need sunlight..



8 Photosynthesis means building with Light
‘synthesis’ = BUILD ‘photo’ = LIGHT Photosynthesis means building with Light carbon dioxide CO2 water H2O + glucose C6H12O6 oxygen O2 + chlorophyll  Green plants can make their own food from ……..… and ………..…  using energy in the form of ………………….  which is absorbed by chlorophyll in the ………………...  The end products of photosynthesis are ………. and ………….

9 glucose The glucose is very useful for the plant
Can be converted to fructose for the fruit Can be used in respiration to release energy Can be converted into fats and oils for the seeds glucose Can be joined together to make cellulose for the cell walls can be joined together to make starch for storage Can be combined with nutrients from the soil to make proteins for the new growth

10 Goal check: thumbs up or down.
Reminders Goal check: thumbs up or down. EVERYDAY you MUST have your composition books, Colors, glue and scissors. Complete work Everyday… if not in class for homework. Sign up for google classroom and remind 101 You have a Sub tomorrow.. follow all procedures, and help set up class. Leave it clean and with a good note

11 Warm up Grab paper study stack off the pink dresser
Find a seat (we will finalize seating charts next week) Cut them out at your desk (5 min) When you are finished throw away trash.

12 Objective and goals 8/30/16 To get familiar with the Vocabulary words in unit 2 To recognize that radiant energy from the Sun transforms into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. To listen to the sub.

13 Class Work Order As a group students will chain read Pages from the text book. After the reading students will go over their Study stacks quietly.

14 Exit Ticket Exit ticket is to be written in your journals. Title it exit ticket. 1.What is the sun’s role in the process of photosynthesis? Reminders Goal check: thumbs up or down. EVERYDAY you MUST have your composition books, Colors, glue and scissors. Study your study stack for 10 min a day. Posted on Google classroom as well. Quiz soon!

15 Warm up Grab paper Warm up off of dresser.
Find a seat (we will finalize seating charts next week) Glue in your journal and awnser (5 min) When you are finished wait for instructions.

16 Objective and goals 8/24/16 The teacher will introduce students to carbon dioxide and water as the reactants in photosynthesis. 2.Students will also learn that glucose and oxygen are the products of the reaction.

17 Small Group Think-Pair-Share- write in journal
What is the source of the reactant, CO2 in photosynthesis? 2. What is the source of the reactant, H2O in photosynthesis? 3. What new molecule forms as a product during photosynthesis? 4. Based upon the models used in this activity, what would be a reasonable definition of a molecule?

18 Small Group Check for Understanding
Think-Pair-Share 1. What is the source of the reactant, CO2 in photosynthesis? Atmosphere 2. What is the source of the reactant, H2O in photosynthesis? Water in the soil 3. What new molecule forms as a product during photosynthesis? Glucose (sugar) 4. Based upon the models used in this activity, what would be a reasonable definition of a molecule? The term molecule describes two or more atoms joined together.

19 Reminders Goal check: thumbs up or down.
EVERYDAY you MUST have your composition books, Colors, glue and scissors. Study your study stack for 10 min a day. Posted on Google classroom as well. Quiz soon!

20 Warm up/Lab day Students will prepare for the day by Reviewing notes and voc. gathering materials (handouts, journal, scissors, glue, pencil) Glue “what if?” in journal

21 Objective and goals 9/1/16 students will know the following:
the general components of photosynthesis the process is unique to plants and plant-like organisms why the process is important to life on Earth the relationship between matter and energy during photosynthesis

22 Small Group In discussion groups -predict what would happen to them if photosynthesis stops tomorrow. Press past the obvious answer of “I would die.” Each group will have one question. Consider the impact of the lack of photosynthesis How would my home be impacted if photosynthesis stops tomorrow? How would the way I dress be impacted if photosynthesis stops tomorrow? How would the cost of my food change if photosynthesis stops tomorrow? How would my health be impacted if photosynthesis stops tomorrow?

23 Independent Practice photosynthesis foldable
(a hard copy is on each desk for students to copy.. You must color and then glue in your own journal)

24 Reminders Goal check: thumbs up or down.
you MUST have your composition books everyday

25 Warm up Students will work in pairs to put the Photosynthesis match cards in order Then draw a t chart in your journal. After Mrs. Evans checks write it down in your Journal

26 Objective and goals 8/26/16 Students will know the following:
the general components of photosynthesis the process is unique to plants and plant-like organisms why the process is important to life on Earth the relationship between matter and energy during photosynthesis an be able to diagram it on a poster board.

27 Small Group Students will create a poster that illustrates the photosynthesis process. The final product should include: A Poster Title Complementary Images Captions, complete with supporting explanations Caption Labels Process Arrows The Photosynthesis Equation

28 Independent Practice Thank You. Thank You Very Much!
You will express the benefits and value of photosynthesis by writing thank you cards to these very generous photosynthetic organisms. The thank you card, made of a folded paper, lists ways humans benefit from the photosynthetic capabilities of plants. Glue in journal.

29 Reminders Goal check: thumbs up or down.
Finish unfinished work at home Have a great weekend.

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