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You cannot grow as a person if you don’t have any bad experiences.

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1 You cannot grow as a person if you don’t have any bad experiences.
Starting point 1 Work in pairs and read the different viewpoints Which ones of the following viewpoints do you agree with? Why? You cannot grow as a person if you don’t have any bad experiences. The golden rule is to treat others as you would like them to treat you. >>

2 Change only comes from within.
The world is full of unrealized potential. Nurture not nature makes you what you are. Example answers

3 Other examples >>>
Starting point 2 Do you know any Chinese sayings on dealing with people and life? e.g. 己所不欲,勿施于人 Do not make others do things that you don’t want to do yourself. 吃一堑,长一智 One learns from failure. Other examples >>>

4 Other examples: 滴水之恩当以涌泉相报 Even if it was just a little help from others, you should return the favor with all you can when others are in need. 福无双至,祸不单行 There are never enough blessings, but there are too many troubles. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 Great things cannot be accomplished in a short period of time. Compare: Rome was not built in a day.

5 路遥知马力,日久见人心 Character can be revealed by time. 三十年河东,三十年河西 One's luck and one's destiny will change over time. 穷则变,变则通 When out of means, seek change. Then opportunities will come. 做一天和尚撞一天钟 Do your duties as long as you are still in the role.

6 玉不琢不成器 A person needs training and discipline to build character. 老骥伏枥,志在千里 Everybody, no matter the inexperience, yearns to achieve great deeds. 八仙过海,各显神通 Everyone has his/her own talents. 十年树木,百年树人 Nurturing and educating human talent is the key to prosperity.

7 The golden rule is to treat others as you would like them to treat you.
I would like to agree with this idea, because people should show respect to each other. This will help us live in harmony. • You cannot grow as a person if you don’t have any bad experiences. People learn from mistakes. Bad experiences don’t have to mean there’s a bad effect forever, as long as people can learn from them and are able to overcome their difficulties. • The world is full of unrealized potential. I agree that this world is full of things for people to do and challenges to face. It is up to people to make an effort to realize their potential.

8 • Nurture not nature makes you what you are.
• Change only comes from within. I don’t quite agree with it, because the external environment is also very important. Without a helpful environment, it will be much harder or sometimes impossible to make a change no matter how motivated a person is. • Nurture not nature makes you what you are. Many people may say that nurture or social and family environment is more important than what you are born with. However, a very recent discussion indicates that nurture has to occur positively from a very early stage of life. Otherwise, it can be difficult to change someone by nurturing. Back

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