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WASHINGTON PRIMARY CENTER Professional Development August 29,2011.

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Presentation on theme: "WASHINGTON PRIMARY CENTER Professional Development August 29,2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 WASHINGTON PRIMARY CENTER Professional Development August 29,2011

2 'If we always do what we've always done, we will get what we've always got.' – Adam Urbanski GUIDING QUOTES

3 'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. – Albert Einstein

4 CAFÉ Discussion Table Talk What is the purpose of implementing CAFÉ at WPC? What are the concerns or questions that you have about CAFÉ going into our second year of implementing CAFÉ?

5 Todays Objectives What is CAFÉ? Updated CAFÉ Literacy Menus 7 Steps From Assessment to Instruction Assessment to Conferring Reading Conferring Sheets Coaching Towards a Target Observation Sheets Touch Points

6 Todays Objectives Cont. Progress Monitoring Discussion about the structures that need to put in place for CAFÉ to be successfully implemented Discussion about CAFÉ handbook Aligning CAFÉ and Treasures Assessing our own students

7 The CAFÉ Book In The CAFÉ Book, Gail Boushey and Joan Moser present a practical, simple way to integrate assessment into daily reading and classroom discussion. The CAFE system, based on research into the habits of proficient readers, is an acronym for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding vocabulary. The system includes goal-setting with students in individual conferences, posting of goals on a whole-class board, developing small-group instruction based on clusters of students with similar goals, and targeting whole-class instruction based on emerging student needs. Gail and Joan developed the CAFE system to support teachers as they: organize assessment data so it truly informs instruction; track each child's strengths and goals, thereby maximizing time with him or her; create flexible groups of students, all focused on a specific reading strategy; and help students remember and retrieve the reading strategies they learned.

8 CAFÉ, WHY? To assist teachers in developing individual educational goals for students through: Meaningful and relevant standards-based teaching and learning, A structure for conferring with students, Language for talking about reading development, on- going assessment, and progress monitoring (a system for tracking growth and fostering student independence) Built-in flexibility allows teachers to tailor the system to reflect the needs of their students and their state's standards

9 CAFÉ, WHY? Cont… Sets the stage for teacher and student accountability. Provides teachers the opportunity to strategically diagnose students strengths and needs as readers and design a path of instruction and practice for students one-on-one and in small groups (whole group teaching does not work for the majority of students). Meets the needs of all students in reading Guide students to become more proficient in reading Help students to become independent and self-reflective.


11 Where are you on the CAFÉ Learning Line? Where are you on the CAFÉ learning line and why? What do you need to do to move to the next level? What structures might the leadership team put in place to provide more support?

12 CAFÉ Menu/ System/ Guide for Instruction Menu A mechanism (visual aid) to help students learn how to elicit reading processes and strategies during each reading experience. System Helps teachers assess, understand, synthesize, and transfer data for instruction into their conferring notebook (The Pensieve). Guide Once CAFÉ assessments are completed, they are used to guide individual, small- group, and whole- class instruction.

13 Literacy Café Menu Overview Include Standards and Literacy Strategies Kindergarten Literacy Café Menu First Grade Literacy Café Menu




17 Teacher Resources that Guide CAFÉ Implementation Ready Reference Guide 7 Steps from Assessment to Instruction The CAFÉ Menu 6-5-4-3 From Assessment to Conferring Reading Conferring Sheet with Icons Observation Sheet # 1 and # 2 Coaching Towards a Target







24 Different Levels, same skill?


26 Touch Points Touch Points Handout What are Touch Points? How can they be used to inform instruction?



29 Progress Monitoring Change Conditions of Learning Materials Teaching Setting When to Layer On a New Strategy?

30 Progress Monitoring 3 Teaching Attempts 1 or 2 Touch Points

31 Change Something MaterialsTeaching Explicit Explanation Model Think Aloud Offer Advice Change Something Setting

32 When to Layer On a New Strategy? 4 or 5 Observations 3 or 4 Touch Points

33 THE CAFÉ HANDBOOK Our Best Teacher Resource Purpose and Design Monthly Pacing Calendar Daily Lesson Plans Sample Lessons Ready Reference Form for CAFÉ Strategy The Literacy CAFÉ Menu Fillable Forms Coaching Towards a Target Samples of Individual Conferences Touch Points From Assessment to Conferring Calendars – October- June 2011-2012 Additional Ready Reference Forms Fingertip Assessments Resources Whole-Group Instruction Curriculum Calendar



36 WRAP UP Parking lot QAC - Questions, answers, concerns/ comments

37 The most important factor affecting student learning is the teacher. -- Marzano based on the research of Sanders, Wright, Horn 1994 & 1997

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