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P.E.T. Explorers I Explorers II Name that Country The Columbian

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Presentation on theme: "P.E.T. Explorers I Explorers II Name that Country The Columbian"— Presentation transcript:

1 P.E.T. Explorers I Explorers II Name that Country The Columbian Exchange 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

2 English monarchs sent explorers to the New World to ensure that they would remain the most powerful, dominant country in the world over Portugal and Spain…


4 Advancements in shipbuilding, like the caravel

5 Technological

6 Europeans wanted goods from the Far East without the added cost of paying middle men


8 Improvements in navigation skills, like the astrolabe and cartograpy


10 What is a caravel?

11 A small, fast ship with triangular sails

12 France; explored Mississipi River to its mouth in Gulf of Mexico and named it Louisiana

13 Robert LaSalle

14 Netherlands and England; In searching for the
Northwest Passage, he claimed and mapped what is now New York for the Dutch and lands in Canada for the English. The Hudson River and Hudson Bay are named for him.

15 Henry Hudson

16 Spain; conquistador who explored the southeast and claimed it for

17 Hernando de Soto

18 Spain; first to sail around the world

19 Ferdinand Magellan

20 England; searched for a quick route to the Far East
known as the Northwest Passage explored the Arctic Circle

21 John Cabot

22 What were the top three motivations for exploration of the New World?

23 God Gold Glory

24 Spain; discovered the lands and wealth of North and South America beginning in 1492

25 Christopher Columbus

26 Although most people knew the world wasn’t flat, most people thought the Far East could be reached by sailing in which direction?

27 West

28 Viking from Greenland; settled briefly in North America but did not stay long or share discovery

29 Leif Eriksson

30 What was created in most of the places where explorers first staked their claims?

31 Settlements

32 Central America South America Florida The Southwest US

33 Spain (Spanish) New Spain

34 St. Lawrence River Mississippi River New Orleans

35 France (French) New France

36 Hudson River New Netherlands New Amsterdam New York

37 Dutch (The Netherlands) Holland

38 The Atlantic coast of North America;
Virginia, New England

39 England (English) Britain (British)

40 What was the purpose of a settlement?

41 To make money and gain new land

42 Wheat, rice, coffee, pigs, cows, horses, and chickens

43 Europeans To New World

44 How did giving Native Americans horses change life for the Plains Indians?

45 It made it easier for them to hunt bison

46 Corn, potatoes, peanuts, squash

47 To Europe from the New World

48 What was so important about these crops going to Europe?

49 It improved their diets – made them healthier

50 Diptheria, Measles, Smallpox, Malaria

51 Explorers to Native Americans

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