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Multimedia Café Albert Chang, Shawn Joseph, Christine Le, Takako Nunomura, David Roth.

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Presentation on theme: "Multimedia Café Albert Chang, Shawn Joseph, Christine Le, Takako Nunomura, David Roth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimedia Café Albert Chang, Shawn Joseph, Christine Le, Takako Nunomura, David Roth

2 Selected Initial Learning Commons Requirements Provide flexible, multi-use space and services. Promote cross-disciplinary inquiry and discourse. Create a sense of community where students, faculty, researchers, staff and community both contribute to and take from a knowledge creation and dissemination process

3 Our reason Students dont have a place to eat, drink, study, access computers, relax, and socialize in one location.

4 Proposed Solution Multimedia Café Addresses the problem description Provides multi-use space. Creates a community where students of different disciplines can come and work together.

5 Café Requirements Access to food and drinks Study and eat/drink concurrently Study individually Study in groups Relax/leisure time Work Tables Food Books Computers Caffeine +_Couches__ STUDENT HAVEN!

6 Initial Design: Café Functionalities Group Tables w/ computer terminals – group work Internet Bar & Work Tables – individual work Coffee & Snack Counter – food/drinks Coffee Tables & Couches – relaxation/leisure

7 Initial Design: Other Functionalities Restroom Access Wireless Internet ADA approved access Can be used by visually, hearing, and mobility impaired users.

8 Initial Design: Layout

9 User Data Collection We surveyed approximately 100 students in the reserve room, in the CSLs, and in The Park.

10 User Data Collection Results 90% said they liked the idea of the Café 74% said they would use the Café at least occasionally

11 Types of work done 73% said the Café would be useful for individual work 81% said the Café group tables would be useful

12 Barnes & Nobles Starbucks Evaluation Surveyed similar system Food/drink selection Study environment for both individual & group work Access wireless internet (T-Mobile Hotspot) Access to books and study materials

13 Barnes & Nobles Starbucks Evaluation Good things Lots of access to magazines Quiet atmosphere Food and drink available

14 Barnes & Nobles Starbucks Evaluation Bad things Tables only for customers Wireless only for T-mobile subscribers Laptops were only computer access No database for searching books

15 So you built a diorama? After doing 3 projects on the internet café we wanted to build something that would bring all the pieces together. So we built a prototype based on our initial brainstorming and storyboard, the user surveys we conducted, and our usability evaluation.

16 Aspects that changed due to user input Coffee tables and group tables were switched to put the loud group tables closer to the coffee bar. Added a central aisle to promote easier movement. Added a magazine stand inside. Added high quality printing.

17 Prototype – Layout & Group Tables

18 Prototype – Lounge & Internet Bar

19 Prototype – Individual Workstations & Bathrooms

20 Prototype – Café Bar

21 Final Assessment We feel that the data we gathered help us to make the Café more user-centered. Based on the reactions we received and our own opinions we feel that a Multimedia Café would be a good addition to campus.

22 Brought to you by…

23 Questions and Comments Any questions? Any comments on the final design? Hows our driving? 1-900-555-5483

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