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Stewards in a Slump.

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Presentation on theme: "Stewards in a Slump."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stewards in a Slump

2 Starting Points Everything belongs to God.

3 Starting Points Everything belongs to God.
He promises to provide for us.

4 Starting Points Everything belongs to God.
He promises to provide for us. We should be overflowing with gratitude although sometimes that’s hard.

5 Taking Control Budgeting enables us to take control.
Not just when we need to – but as good stewards. Budgeting doesn’t limit generosity or spontaneity

6 Treasure In our houses? In our possessions? Or somewhere else?
What does it mean to build up ‘treasure in heaven’? Love for neighbour Generous Giving

7 Questions How focused are we on money?

8 Questions How focused are we on money?
Are our lifestyles too cluttered?

9 Questions How focused are we on money?
Are our lifestyles too cluttered? Could we do anything to reduce spending or simplify our lifestyles?

10 Opportunities How can I engage with my community?

11 Opportunities How can I engage with my community?
How might the downturn draw me closer to God?

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