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The IT Services Helpdesk

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Presentation on theme: "The IT Services Helpdesk"— Presentation transcript:

1 The IT Services Helpdesk
The way ahead

2 The Face of IT Services The Customer The Helpdesk team Technicians
Desktop Support Network Support Systems Support Etc…..

3 The Face of IT Services The Customer The Helpdesk System
Internal & external Databases Other functions The Helpdesk System Technicians Desktop Support Network Support Systems Support Etc…..

4 Web self service / phone /email / walk-up
The Face of IT Services The Customer Web self service / phone / / walk-up Helpdesk team Helpdesk system Technicians Desktop Support Network Support Systems Support Etc…..

5 Helpdesk team Helpdesk system
The Customer view Single Point of contact Help in classifying problem Solution – instant or by referral Managed response time 24 x 7 service via web or The Customer Helpdesk team Helpdesk system Technicians Desktop Support Network Support Systems Support Etc…..

6 The Service Providers’ view
Management, control & organisation of workload: Less interruptions More time & resource flexibility More focus on specialisations Help in setting & meeting targets Analysis of workload trends, problem types etc. - opportunity to plan, not just react The Customer The Helpdesk Technicians Desktop Support Network Support Systems Support Etc…..

7 Helpdesk team Helpdesk system
Faculty Teams The Customer Helpdesk team Helpdesk system Faculty IT teams Technicians Desktop Support Network Support Systems Support Etc…..

8 Faculty Teams: referring calls
The Customer Helpdesk team Helpdesk system Faculty IT teams Technicians Desktop Support Network Support Systems Support Etc…..

9 Faculty Teams: accept & refer
The Customer Faculty IT teams Technicians Desktop Support Network Support Systems Support Etc…..

10 Faculty Teams: all functions
The Customer Faculty IT teams Technicians Desktop Support Network Support Systems Support Etc…..

11 New System “Requirements”
Web interface: Intuitive. even for reluctant end users. Browser and OS independent Technician Web interface: full functionality incl. printing Customised call creation, user portals, web forms etc. for departments. Alerts and Broadcast announcements: e.g. “You have a new call” “SLA about to be exceeded” “No update in 2 days” “Call has been reassigned“ Via web or client and/or /messaging/SMS Broadcasts at login and/or popup, to selectable population Call entry: Customisable per department. Quick entry for simple or linked calls. Contact info from HR Database, overwriteable. Priority field controls sequencing, targets (des) Separate priority field for users!

12 New System “Requirements”
Call management: Flexible system of SLA targets, alerts & measurements. Easy tracking incl. attachments, correspondence. Trace from partial info. Can retain ownership of a call. Auto status updates to end-users; can also view status. Detail required on closure unless trivial. Change management: Define complex processes e.g. new user. (des) Flow control depending on parameters. Easy status tracking by authorised user Inventory / asset / software management: All hardware; details such as make; model; serial; IP; MAC adrs. Accept input from barcode reader. Software licence compliance, at least Windows. (des) detect other s/w preparedness for FAST audits! Auto scheduling e.g. maintenance, licence renewal (des) Booking & maintenance of shared equipment

13 New System “Requirements”
Interfacing to other databases: e.g. Staff / HR, asset registers (des) Student contact data Network Database - migrate workflows Knowledge base and FAQs: manual or auto-generate. Access levels: user, technician, specific team Authentication: All end-users able to enter new calls. Authenticate against central system OR separate systems OR (users only) e.g. coded url link in the notification Call reporting: e.g. jobs pending, in progress, overdue, due today, recently closed. Customer Satisfaction measurement Licensing: unlimited user “self service”; effectively unlimited technical users.

14 Other planned changes More staff
Integrate MIS and AIMS-IT call handling New layout Co-locate Student and Staff teams More visible Walk up / phone /

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