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Welcome to the World Café! MBODLG July Meeting. What is the World Café?

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the World Café! MBODLG July Meeting. What is the World Café?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the World Café! MBODLG July Meeting

2 What is the World Café?

3 Share Collective Discoveries Conversations held at one table reflect a pattern of wholeness that connects with the conversations at the other tables. The last phase of the Café involves making this pattern of wholeness visible to everyone After each table has had the opportunity to share their insights, the whole group may wish to take a few minutes of silent reflection and consider: What is emerging here? If there was a single voice in the room, what would it be saying? What deeper questions are emerging as a result of these conversations? Do we notice any patterns and what do those patterns point to, or how do they inform us? What do we now see and know as a result of these conversations?

4 Explore Questions That Matter A powerful question: Is simple and clear Is thought provoking Generates energy Focuses inquiry Surfaces assumptions Opens new possibilities Invites deeper reflection Seeks what is useful

5 Café Movements 3 rounds of conversation 1 Café Table Master Large Group Collective Harvesting

6 Question 1 What is the ideal experience I want from being part of the ODLG community?

7 Question 1 What is the ideal experience I want from being part of the ODLG community? 5 Minutes Remaining

8 Question 2

9 What skills and experience could I contribute to the community that could be valuable to others? 5 Minutes Remaining

10 Question 3 What will the future MBODLG look like?

11 Question 3 What will the future MBODLG look like? 5 Minutes Remaining

12 Large Collective Harvesting Based on your three rounds of conversation, what themes, patterns and insights are emerging? What was the groups collective questions?

13 Future ODLG Opportunities Please be sure to visit the reception area for future ODLG opportunities and way to make your vision the reality for the ODLG community!

14 Based on the work of Juanita Brown, David Isaacs and the World Café Community For resources and information see The images in this presentation are sourced from the World Café Creative Commons Contact Kristine at: 202-236-1882 Thank You.

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