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Chapter 13 Conflict Management.

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1 Chapter 13 Conflict Management

2 Conflict Management Identify common factors that lead to conflict
Discuss five methods to resolve conflict Discuss techniques to use in dealing with difficult people Discuss solutions and alternatives in dealing with anger Identify situations of sexual harassment in the workplace and discuss possible solutions

3 Possible Outcomes of Conflict
Disturbing issues brought out into open may avert more serious conflict Group cohesiveness may increase as individuals resolve issues New leadership may develop as consequence of resolution Results of conflict can be constructive, as occurs when productive outcomes are achieved; or they can be destructive, leading to poor communication and creating dissatisfaction


5 What Causes Conflict? Role conflict—when two people have same or related responsibilities with ambiguous boundaries Communication conflict—failing to discuss differences with one another can lead to problems with communication Goal conflict—when one nurse places his/her personal achievement and advancement above everyone else’s, conflict can occur

6 What Causes Conflict? (cont’d)
Personality conflict— can’t we all just get along? Ethical or values conflict— different types of nurses have different value systems

7 Common Areas of Conflict Between Nurses and Patients and Between Nurses and Patients’ Families
Quality of care—how does hospital meet their special needs? Treatment decisions—physician may order treatments with which family does not agree Family involvement—family’s real need to feel significant

8 Common Areas of Conflict Between Nurses and Patients and Between Nurses and Patients’ Families (cont’d) Quality of parental care—model positive parenting techniques Staff inconsistency—make sure that each shift is consistent in enforcing hospital policies, and that they notify other shifts of any attempts at manipulation by family members or patients

9 What Are Ways to Resolve Conflict?
Win/Lose: Example— competition Lose/Lose: Example—avoidance Lose/Win: Example—accommodation Modified Win/Lose: Example—compromise Win/Win: Example—collaboration

10 NCLEX QUESTION The nurse manager understands that the first step in attempting to resolve an interpersonal conflict between two nurses is to: a. Determine the facts related to the situation b. Schedule a meeting time for resolution c. Have an accurate understanding of the problem or conflict d. Have the determination to resolve the conflict

11 RATIONALE C. The quality of the outcome of resolving a problem depends on proper recognition and identification of the problem or issue. This assessment is best addressed by determining the nature of the differences and the reasons for them. After this has been achieved, the next steps would be identifying the conflicting facts and developing ways to implement a plan for resolution. Pg. 269


13 What Are Some Basic Guidelines for Which Technique to Use?
Deal with issues, not personalities Take responsibility for yourself and your participation Listen actively Sort out the issues Identify key themes in the discussion Weigh the consequences

14 What Are Some Techniques for Handling Difficult People?
Don’t get run over, step aside Stand up for yourself Give them a little time to run down and express what they might be ranting about If possible, try to get them to sit down Maintain eye contact Don’t argue with them or try to cut them down When they finally hear you, be ready to be friendly

15 What Is Anger? Anger has two faces
Guilt, which is anger aimed inward at what we did or did not do Resentment, which is anger directed toward others at what they did or did not do Both accumulate over time and lead to a cycle of negative energy poisoning our relationships and stifling our personal growth

16 What Is The Solution for Dealing with Anger?
Stop—Appraise situation Look—What image is about to be or has been breached about yourself or another? Change—How do you change the image? One of the ways is to use humor. Humor makes the anger (guilt and resentment) tolerable Get active—Try exercise Refocus on something positive—Breathe

17 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
70% of female staff nurses surveyed reported sexual harassment by male patients and co-workers With the increase in the number of men entering the nursing profession, there is the potential for men to experience sexual harassment by women in the workplace

18 What Is Sexual Harassment?
Unwanted sexual advances made in the context of a relationship of unequal power or authority Individuals who are subjected to sexually oriented verbal comments, unwanted touching, and requests for sexual favors

19 What Can I Do about It? Start with the most direct measure. Ask the person to STOP! Put your statement in writing to the person, keeping a copy for yourself Tell other people, such as family, friends, personal physician, or minister, what is happening and how you are dealing with it File a formal grievance requiring filing a written complaint with an official group such as a hearing procedure


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