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Anne-Marie CHARRAUD Michel FEUTRIE Utrecht 22/09/2005

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1 Anne-Marie CHARRAUD Michel FEUTRIE Utrecht 22/09/2005
LA CNCP ET LE RNCP Anne-Marie CHARRAUD Michel FEUTRIE Utrecht 22/09/2005

2 Two instruments to develop certification and VAE
The Law of 2002 creates two instruments for information about what qualification may be obtained through VAE A National Commission for vocational certification (CNCP) A National repertory of the vocational certifications (RNCP)

3 Five missions for the CNCP
Register all diplomas and certificates delivered in the name of the State in the RNCP Register the other certificates only after an exam and advice given during a specific working group Follow the qualifications evolution and indicate if some certifications must be actualized Follow the quality of the information given through the National Repertory Inform the national network of counseling and individual advise points

4 The CNCP composition A prime minister attachment delegated to the minister of Labour Composed with representatives of : ministers which received a certification mission from the State social partners regions chambers of industry and commerce private vocational training centers

5 Two ways to be registered on the RNCP
The diplomas and degrees delivered in the name of the State when there is a consultation with the social partners are automatically registered All the other certifications (diplomas, titles, certificates) delivered by public as private institutions without a consultation together with State and social partners are registered through a demand procedure including an examination by the CNCP

6 Le Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles

7 The RNCP aims Give information about each certification registered to the RH responsible and individuals Provide to guidance actors information details about each system of qualification permitting an adapted choice to the individuals purposes Permit to the institutions delivering the certification to have a sectors and national map for their own policies and mutual recognition Give the basis of the Europass certificate and diplomas supplements


9 The content of a certification description
This content is very close to the Europass tools. So each certification is described through 3 main aspects the activities and competences concerned by the certification and the labour market field where it can be used the training and validation roads permitting the access to the certification and jurys composition administrative and legal information (which institution is responsible and delivered it, what recognitions exist with other institutions or countries, statistics …)

10 Thank you for your attention

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