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This… Is… Project Management Trivia!

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Presentation on theme: "This… Is… Project Management Trivia!"— Presentation transcript:

1 This… Is… Project Management Trivia!
Round 2: Chapters 4, 5 & 6

2 Rules Sit with your teams. List team names.
Write up four answer cards: A, B, C and D No notes or electronic assistance. Two rounds: Multiple Choice & True/False Short Answer Winning team gets prizes!


4 Round 1: Multiple Choice True/False

5 Question 1 Corrective Action Defect Repair Preventative Action
Which is not a common change request? Corrective Action Defect Repair Preventative Action Scope Adjustment Answer: D) Scope Adjustment

6 Question 2 True or False? Milestones are similar to regular schedule activities, with the same structure and attributes and typically have about a one week duration. True False Answer: False. Milestones take no time.

7 Question 3 A Statement of Work (SOW) from a potential customer includes all of the following except: Business Need Itemized Budget Product Scope Description Strategic Plan Answer: B) Itemized Budget

8 Question 4 True or False? The project management plan is the document that describes how the project will be executed, monitored and controlled. True False Answer: True

9 Question 5 Consultants Local Advocates PMO
Which is not a key stakeholder that would be invited to sit on the CCB to help make a project decision? Consultants Local Advocates PMO Professional and Technical Associations Answer: B) Local Advocates

10 Question 6 Organization Chart Resource Breakdown Structure
Which document could help you schedule a meeting? Organization Chart Resource Breakdown Structure Resource Calendar Responsibility Matrix Answer: C) Resource Calendar

11 Question 7 Project Charter, Project Management Plan, WPD
Arrange these three things in the correct order as inputs and outputs: Project Charter, Project Management Plan, WPD Project Management Plan, Project Charter, WPD WPD, Project Charter, Project Management Plan WPD, Project Management Plan, Project Charter Answer: A)

12 Question 8 … until the s&!+ hits the fan.
Complete the Mike Tyson quote that is displayed prominently on the course webpage: Everyone has a plan… … until the s&!+ hits the fan. … until the first round bell rings. … until they get punched in the mouth. … and I love it when a plan comes together. Answer: C)

13 Round 2: Short Answer Write your team name on a piece of paper.
You can take notes on separate piece(s). Answer the following questions. Good luck!

14 Question 9 Fill in the blank:

15 Question 10 This is an example of a Requirements __________ Matrix.

16 Question 11 The four Group Decision-Making Techniques are: Hint: U, P, M, D

17 Question 12 What part of this diagram is missing?

18 Question 13 What does WBS stand for?

19 Question 14 Fill in the blank:

20 Break Grade questions 9 – 14 Check scores Now to the Final Question

21 Final Question: Acronyms 5 points possible
For ½ a point each, list what these ten project management acronyms stand for. After one mistake, I start subtracting ½ a point for wrong answers. CCB ES LS RBS SOW SWOT PMO SME KPI FTA

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