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Engaging Leadership: Maximising the potential within your school

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Leadership: Maximising the potential within your school"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Leadership: Maximising the potential within your school
Juliette Alban-Metcalfe, MSc, CPsychol. CEO, Real World Group Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Southern Queensland Challenge Partners Conference: Pushing the Boundaries © Real World Group 2019

2 Encourage proactivity & innovation Promote collaboration
Successful leaders in any situation… Encourage proactivity & innovation Create a culture of RfC Sustain motivation Promote collaboration Increase effectiveness Reduce stress These are the key challenges faced by any leader in all industries today. The opportunity for leaders to rise to these challenges means that they can outperform peer organisations in the same sector in sustainable ways. RfC = readiness for change © Real World Group 2019 2

3 With every pair of hands, you get a brain for free!
Brains have changed little over time Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) ‘reflect and consider’ much larger 5 x neural network to look for danger vs. seek rewards 5 x per second we scan for threats Fight or flight reflex Threat – diverts resources from PFC Results in resistance to change, disruptive behaviour, reduced performance © Real World Group 2019

4 Key drivers of positive human effort
Meaning Autonomy Mastery Appreciation Social support Engagement © Real World Group 2019

5 The role of leadership and culture in increasing engagement & performance
Resources Performance Outputs V I S O N + Achieve Vision People KSA Experience Potential Motivation Commitment Wellbeing Engagement LEADERSHIP CULTURE © Real World Group 2019 5

6 Real World Group® Engaging Transformational Leadership model

7 Published validity of the engaging leadership model
Peer-reviewed content, construct, convergent and discriminant validity Unique evidence of predictive validity Independent validation in UK and internationally © Real World Group 2019

8 Effective leadership is…
More essential now than ever About creating more leaders, not leveraging one’s position Not correlated with charisma How you enact your skills and competencies Usually present by accident rather than design Achieved through enacting simple, common-sense behaviours © Real World Group 2019

9 Exercise: How do you lead?
© Real World Group 2019

10 Any questions? © Real World Group 2019

11 Don’t forget - feedback and reflection are critical!!
“It ain’t what you don’t know that’s dangerous. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t true.” Mark Twain Or as Mark Twain said… © Real World Group 2019

12 For references or further information
© Real World Group 2019

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