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2 MUSCLE TISSUE Specialized for contraction to produce movement. Muscle cells are elongated and called muscle fibers. 3 Types 1. Skeletal 2. Cardiac 3. Smooth

3 MUSCLE TISSUE SKELETAL MUSCLE TISSUE- packaged in long strands
STRIATIONS- alternating light and dark bands- formed by the internal arrangement of the protein fibers multinucleate Voluntary contractions

4 MUSCLE TISSUE SMOOTH MUSCLE (visceral) TISSUE- forms the walls of the blood vessels and other visceral organs- stomach, bladder, uterus, large intestine, etc. -No striations- Smooth muscle contracts slowly- PERISTALSIS- alternating of contractions in a wavelike motion that keeps food moving through the small intestine, etc.

5 MUSCLE TISSUE CARDIAC MUSCLE- has striations but only one nucleus per fiber. Contains junctions called intercalated disks- allows ions to pass freely from cell to cell resulting in rapid contractions

6 NERVOUS TISSUE NERVE TISSUE- (neurons) have well-developed properties of conductivity and irritability. - Sends and carries electrochemical signals throughout the body Nerve cells can be as long as 3 feet. - have a fatty covering called a MYELIN SHEATH - 2 types of nerve tissue 1. NEURON (or nerve cell) 2. NEUROGLIA

7 NERVOUS TISSUE 3 parts of the NEURON 1. CELL BODY (soma)
2. DENDRITES- receivers- many 3. AXONS- send signal- one

8 NERVOUS TISSUE CELL BODY- center of the neuron, contains the nucleus as well as other organelles DENDRITES- receive signals and direct them towards the cell body AXONS- sends signals away from the cell body to other parts of the body (brain or muscles)

9 NERVOUS TISSUE NEUROGLIA- make up 90% of the substance of the brain and spinal cord. Produce the MYELIN SHEATH Remove unwanted materials via phagocytosis Aid in the movement of cerebrospinal fluid

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