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Top 10 Ways to achieve the core Ramona Brown

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Presentation on theme: "Top 10 Ways to achieve the core Ramona Brown"— Presentation transcript:

1 Top 10 Ways to achieve the core Ramona Brown

2 Unwrapping the Standards
Process 1.Code it (identify nouns and verbs) 2. Unwrap it 3. Determine the Big Ideas 4. Develop Essential Questions 5. Identify Facts, Concepts, Skills, Background and Knowledge needed. Unwrapping the Standards Tip #1

3 Text Complexity Reading Standard 10
Text complexity band from Appendix A (figure 3) at Tip #2

4 Informational Text RI.2.6 : Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain or describe. Tip #3

5 Go to for more ideas
Make Learning Visible Use See, Think, Wonder to practice descriptive writing, activate background knowledge and promote asking questions. This can be a great starter for a lesson. Go to for more ideas Tip #4

6 Classroom Organization Independent work time
Choice Boards You Choose standards to reinforce. They choose 3 Activities to practice Tip #5

7 Predict what words might be in the story.
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use. Language Standards K-5 Tip #6 Adapted from Gudwin, D.

8 Book Walk/Talk or Picture Walk/Talk
RI.2.5 RI.2.6 Begin with oral feedback and progress to written feedback. Tip #7

9 Be A Mind Reader Tip #8 Foundational Skills RF.2.3 K-2
Use with word walls to reinforce vocabulary. I spy a word whose first sound is /m/… Tip #8

10 Fluency Read it like you mean it!
I am a leader. Foundational Skills RF .2.4 K-2 Angry Excited Scared Surprised Tip #9

11 Speaking and Listening Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas #4 SL. 2
Speaking and Listening Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas #4 SL.2.4 and RL.2.2 Use voice thread to provide support for struggling learner. Upload illustrations from text used in the class. Students will then recount the story using voicethread to record their voice, a video retelling or type a summary.

12 The main factor that really affects student achievement is the effectiveness of the teacher. Gudwin, D. 2014

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